Holy shit! He has fangs?

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I stepped out of shower feeling brand new. Apparently I did need that shower after all. My long red hair had been dirty and I needed that change of clothes desperately.

I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. I looked in the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweat pants and a band t-shirt. They were Sebastian's clothes.

I breathed in his scent. Mmm, honey and mint. I don't know why but I decided against staying in the room. I went to find Sebastian.

I turned the corner and collided with a girl. Her neck was dripping blood all over the floor. I screamed and she dropped dead.

Sebastian rounded the corner. His mouth was dripping blood.

Holy shit! My mind raced. What's happening? Why is his mouth covered in blood? Why is he so cold? It can't be. Holy shit, he's a VAMPIRE!!!



What did y'all think will she run even though she is falling in love. Comment your thoughts and vote please!

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