<More Qs and such?>

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<To Star'Scream; Do you think Starry is a cute nickname?>

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<To Star'Scream; Do you think Starry is a cute nickname?>

Star'Scream; "Uh. . .It kinda depends on who calls me that. But overall, it's. . .fine, but it doesn't really fit me. Y'know?"

<To Predaking; You're actually pretty cute and missing out on some stuff.>

Predaking; "First, I'm not cute. And second, what type of stuff am I missing out on?"

Star'Scream; "A lot. . ."

Predaking; "Shut the frag up."

Star'Scream; "Oof."

<To Ratchet; What do you think about your title being "The wrench god"?>

Ratchet; "Well, that's better than being called 'Sunshine' or 'Doc', and probably other nicknames that the others call me."

StarVibez/Me; "Mr. Wolf dude."

Ratchet; "Excuse me?"

(All by XFanOfRandomnessX)

<To the decepticons; What if there's freezing temperatures for the decepticons for 5 dares?>

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<To the decepticons; What if there's freezing temperatures for the decepticons for 5 dares?>

Megatron; "Meh, it doesn't bother me much."

Knockout; "I wish I have Breakdown here to warm me up."

Sound'Wave & Shock'Wave; -Snuggling together-

Knockout; -Sad decepticon Noises-

Star'Scream; -Literally buried himself with thousands of blankets-

All of the decepticons except Star'Scream; "Wtf?"

(Question or dare by Luna_Firewing)

<To LeonVibez; Are you forceful to your fandoms or nah?>

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<To LeonVibez; Are you forceful to your fandoms or nah?>

StarVibez/Me; "Hehe, most of the time, yes."

Sonic; "Mostly Yes."

StarVibez; "Sonic, you're in the wrong book. GET OUT!"

<To Star'Scream & Megatron; KISS AND MAKE CHILDRENNN!>

Megatron; "I'm afraid we can't do that. Why? Cause first, I will never do that with Star'Scream. Second, Star'Scream is currently burying himself with thousands of blankets and pillows due to how cold it is in here."

(Question & Dare by StarScream3000)

[Hope you like these answers and such.-]

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