"That's my girl. Holler at me if you need anything, okay, kiddo?"

"Yes, sir," she agreed, stalking out of the room and towards the shared bathroom. As Ben and Eileen watched, she grabbed a cleaning bucket, washed it out well, filled it with lukewarm water, and grabbed a couple of washrags.

"Do you need me to do anything, Ma?" Ben wondered, almost afraid to break her concentration.

She shook her head, "Nope. I'm good, Benji. You two go to bed. I'll take care of your father."

With that she returned to her room and shut the door and Widower Vale hobbled down the stairs, leaving Ben looking at Eileen questioningly.

"What do you want me to do, Benji?" she asked, searching his face.

He grinned, "What kind of male wouldn't want his female in his bed...even if he can't join her."

"Well then, lead me to your bed, Mr. Cougar."

"Right this way, Ms. Grau."

He couldn't wait until he could call her Mrs. Cougar, couldn't wait until he could lead her to their bed. But she was worth waiting for too.


Training at the Academy changed in the spring. In the mornings the whole group met together for a  few hours of rigorous training. In the afternoon, those that had graduated were led on expeditions to hunt dark creatures, giving them real-life field experience. Those that were not graduated, including Ben and Archie, focused instead on their academics.

As time went on and Ben counted down the days to spring break, Stew became his favorite person to see. 

One Thursday evening, Stew  knocked on the door, mail bag in his hands. Ben immediately rushed to the door, followed more slowly by Archie and Jessup.

"Five for Cougar," the man said, handing Ben his envelopes.

"Three for Cook," he said, handing the envelopes to Archie.

"One for Carroll," Jessup eagerly took the letter.

"And one for Cassel."

They saw P.A. freeze. Uncertainly he said, "Me?"

"Peter Cassel?" the guard repeated. "That you?"

They watched P.A. take the letter and turn it over to look at the return address. The breath hissed out of him, and his hands trembled.

"Who's H.o.T?" Archie wondered.

P.A. shook his head, rushing to his bed to read the letter. They all followed, watching, reading over his shoulder when they could.

"Who is it from, P.A.?" Jessup prompted.

"A friend," he said dismissively, but his actions were anything but dismissive.

"What kind of friend?" Ben pressed with a knowing grin.

"A friend I screwed up with. I thought she hated me, but...she wants to see me again."

The smile he gave them was brilliant, and they all smiled back at his joy until Archie's gaze settled on the letter.

It was in his hands in the next second, "Wait, I know this handwriting. This is--this is Helen's handwriting!"

Ben and Jessup froze, glancing back and forth between Archie and P.A.

"Why is my sister sending you letters, P.A.?" Archie demanded, shaking the letter in front of his face.

The Reluctant Cougar (Rise of the Alpha King's Heir)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя