Part 6; Confession

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29th July, 2020 Tuesday
9:41am / Martina's apartment
I woke up, feeling better that yesterday. I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom. I left my bathroom and went to make myself a breakfast. "Oh fuck" I thought, "I have nothing to eat". And just in time, my phone rang. I picked up and it was Damiano. "Hey, Martina. Did I wake you up?", "No no, you didn't", "Okay, great. I wanted to ask you if you want to go have a breakfast with me. I know a really good small restaurant just 15 minutes away" he sounded happy. "Yes, of course! That would be nice", "Good. I'll pick you up in half an hour, xo" he hung up. I put on a pair of black shorts, a white tank top and a gray sweatshirt over. The sun wasn't shining so bright and it was a little bit windy so I wasn't hot in a sweatshirt. Damiano rang on the front door so I got up from the couch and opened the door. "Hey-" I tried so say but he interrupted me with a gentle kiss and a tight hug. I hugged and kissed him back then pulled away. "Hey" he smiled. "Ready?", "Yes", "Then let's go" he took my hand as I was grabbing the keys of my apartment. I locked the door and we went down with the elevator. As we were going down he was holding my hand. I looked him up and down. A tall man (one head taller than me to be exact), brown eyes, beautiful hair, little mustache, wearing a black t-shirt, black basketball shorts and white coverse's, standing next to me holding my hand.

We were walking through the city, he was taking me the small restaurant he was talking about to get breakfast. We were still holding hands even tho we were in the city. I was really xonfused about what's going on with us. We know eachother for not even a week and we're already holding hands in the city, kissing etc. but we never actually talked about our feelings. I know it all sounds really stupid because we know eachother for not even a week but I'm just really really confused and want to know. We didn't even talk about how are we already kissing and stuff even tho we aren't in a relationship or anything, or maybe we are. I really dont know..

We found a small restaurant Damiano was talking about and sat at the table outside. We ordered coffee and two sandwiches. As we were waiting for our food to arrive, we were talking and he was holding my hand on the table, gently. The whole time I was thinking about what's going on, but I kept it inside and decided to ask him once we get home. We almost finished our food when he panicked and said "Fuck, I see Thomas and Victoria. If they see us and come to sit with us say we walked on eachother here and sat together", "What? Why-", "Just do as I said" he looked the other was hoping Thomas and Victoria wouldn't notice him, and they didn't.

We finished our food and went back to my place around 12:20. He sat on the couch in my living room and told me to sit on his lap so I did. He hugged me as I was sitting on his lap and kissed me. "I want to ask you something I'm really confused about" I said looking him sad in the eyes. He looked at me back, kinda worried. "I'm confused about what the fuck is going on with us. We hooked up that one time drunk as hell and from then on we're acting like we're in a relationship, even tho we aren't, or maybe we are, that's what I'm so confused about. I wanna know what's going on. How do you feel..". Damiano looked me in the eyes, nervous, confused, sad, I don't know how he felt at that moment, and I didn't know how did I feel eihter. He held my hand and said "I think I love you.. I can barely remember our hook up because we were drunk obviously, but I just know that first kiss of ours made me realise I really do love you. I know it sound stuid because we know eachother for a really little time, but I can't help myself. I just love everything about you. And, that first kiss of ours when we were sober, it happened because I couldn't help myself but to kiss you and you seemed to like it so I just continued, not knowing how do you feel and what is between us" he confesed looking at my hands holding them. He then looked me up in the eyes, seeing my mouth half open. I looked at him, then kissed him. I pulled away, looked him in the eyes and said "I feel literally the same.. I don't know what's between us but I just know I want to feel your touch, feel your kiss, hug, feel you being with me. It's stupid but it's true".

We had a long talk about it all, then finally came to a conclusion; We both fell in love no matter how stupid it sounds and just because it's so early for all of this between us to happen we decided to keep it a secret and take things slow, then after some time realise and decide what will happen next. Damiano's phone started ringing, "Hello" he answered. Thomas was calling asking him where the fuck he is. "You should've been at the studio half an hour ago!" Thomas yelled from the other side of the phone. "Fuck! I'm coming! I had some really importatnt work to do! Sorry!" Damiano was screaming at the phone, putting on his shoes. He hung up, kissed me and ran through the door, running to the studio. "Byee" I said as he left.

I closed the door and continued with my day.

A/N Thanks for all the support it really means a lot <33
Also I just wanted to say if you are already reading the story could you please vote for it because it helps me write new parts and making the story more popular.

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