Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Erm, ye've sure got an interestin' past."

Quinn glared at Mirtis, who was leaning against the wall with slack. His mannerisms were as casual as ever.

"You better have a damn good explanation for what you just said," she replied, daggers in her icy eyes. "We might have met a few days ago, but you don't know the first thing about me."

In all honesty, Quinn didn't hate Mirtis, and she didn't want to. All he'd done was make the atmosphere a bit more interesting, really. That and save her once. But between the last night's events and her investigation of Lyris, she didn't have time for more complications. Especially not ones centered on her.

"Calm down, would ya? An' put the dagger away, it's obvious I'm not plannin' to harm ya." Mirtis dipped his chin and crossed his arms. "Ye must not 'ave read the notes Elyria took on me abilities, else you wouldn't be so alert."

She assumed he was referring to the paper she found in the archives, though Quinn scanned through it without paying much mind. The only abilities she remembered well from it were flames and wall phasing, and though she was well aware that he had more, none came to mind at the moment.

"You're telling me those have something to do with what you just said?" she asked with irritation, sheathing her kalis. Her temples were starting to ache with stress.

"Quite ah lot, actually." He exhaled loudly. "Would've made this conversation ah lot easier."

"Cut the ambiguity and get to the point," she demanded. She'd dealt with enough mystery for one day cycle.

"Honestly, you're ruinin' the buildup." he shrugged. "But as you wish. One of those abilities you apparently don't remember is that I can see memories."

She stared at him blankly.

"Well, some of 'em. And not really whenever I want to. It just kind ah happens. That doesn't matter too much though. At least not to you." Mirtis grinned lopsidedly, as though he were expecting a smooth reply.

Alright, so he was a madman.

Quinn turned around, pulling her lockpicks out of the dungeon door. She'd given in to her conscience and decided to investigate again, but this? This seemed like a sign of a poor choice.

"You think I'm crazy, don't ya?" Mirtis' voice chimed, a bell in the quiet room. "Most people do. But I'll prove I'm not, if ya let me."

She stuffed her materials back into her utility bag. "And how's that?"

"There's ah mark on your left cheek. Shallow, just ah graze. Most people wouldn't notice it."

Quinn paused, the jiggle of lockpicks going quiet.

"It came from a boy with a chain scythe. Two different colored eyes, a scar on his right one. Dark hair an' multiple abilities."

Quinn turned back at him, raising her fingers to her cheek. The scrape was barely scabbed over, thinner than a loose string. There was no way that he could have seen it from where he stood across the room.

Before she could say anything, Mirtis continued. "You've suspected yer guild leader of murderin' a man who betrayed you. Just a few weeks ago, ye killed ah lad who lived in this keep an' dwelled on it 'til sunrise. Your morals are split between loyalty an' emotions, an' yer guild replaced the role of ah fami—"

"Okay, I get it," she interrupted, face twisting into a scorn. "You don't need to say any more." Mirtis' features hardened into a more serious expression, and Quinn felt even more uncomfortable. "So you can...see memories, or whatever." And he liked to taunt people about it, apparently. "What's it got to do with me?"

"You sound so accusatory." He sparked a small, blue fire in his palm. "Like I said before, I can't exactly control it. Though I admit that ye've interested me."

"Explain," she commanded. He crushed the flame in his fist.

"I'd like ta know more about that boy you saw," he conveyed. She scoffed in response.

"If you can see as much as you said, then you should be able to figure anything out on your own. He wasn't exactly shy."

Mirtis sighed. "Once again, it's not exactly what ye're thinkin'. I get ah real vague picture, mixed with ah couple of emotions. Context and clear voices? I only get 'em if I'm lucky or another memory provides 'em."

"That's one hell of a convenient ability," Quinn drawled sarcastically.

He nodded in agreement. "It annoys me jus' as much as anyone. But that doesn't change the fact that I'd need your help to interpret any of it."

Quinn let her gaze wander, trailing around to the other parts of the room. Despite it being midday, the room was dim, lit only by candles due to its position underground. There weren't many decorations besides weapon racks, tables, and other doors, though none of those were really intended to be ornamental.

"I don't know if I can trust you," Quinn said, ignoring the tensity in his expression. "I said I would tell you if I found anything about the bo-reth, and I intend to keep my word. But only if I get something out of it, too."

Mirtis' features softened, his mellow demeanor returning.

"My room's on the second floor of the northwest tower, on the right. Bring Elyria and meet me there after dark." Quinn kept her words strict and curt. "We're going to have a chat—everything we know about bo-reth, that boy, and each other's motives."

Mirtis smiled, two sets of fangs bared on either side of his mouth. "Isn't this weighed ah bit too much in me own favor?" he asked.

"Don't worry, I've still got something else I need from you," she responded, walking over to the door. "You saw my memories, so there's no point in hiding it now. I want proof of which side Lyris is on—if she's loyal to Crossbane or her money. I'm not letting my guild get betrayed again."

He smiled cockily, for what reason Quinn was unsure. "Anythin' else?"

She continued towards the door. "Only that everything remains confidential—you, Elyria, and myself. But I trust that much is implied."

Mirtis followed her out, extending a veiny arm. "Ye've got yerself ah deal."

As the two shook hands, Quinn hid a tinge of relief under an expressionless face. Of course, the future of Crossbane was her main priority, but...that boy knew something. And if this path led to her family, she was more than willing to take it.

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