Chapter 2

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Date: April 9th, 2021 (Friday)

The three kids were hanging out in Lauren's hospital room. Lauren was on the bed while Owen and Maddie were sitting on the couch that was by the window. They were anxious to find out what's going on with their mom. They have been waiting for hours to hear any information but their waiting finally was over when a lady knocked on the door. She walked in and smiled at the children.

"Hello, I am your social worker, Molly. I can assume that you are wanting information on your mother's condition."

The social worker knew that their mother had brain cancer and she had to tell the kids since their mother didn't know how to.

The three of them looked at her hopeful that she would say that their mother was awake and waiting to see them but deep down they knew that it was bad news since a social worker was here.

"Your mother didn't know how to tell you this. I'm so sorry to inform you that your mother has brain cancer. That's what caused her to pass out while she was making breakfast and caused the fire. She is in a sedated sleep right now and you won't be able to see her until tomorrow," Molly said with sadness in her voice.

Owen and Maddie started crying Lauren didn't show any emotion at all. She just stared right at the lady.

"Also your mother will have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks so for the time being your father has agreed to take you in but he isn't in town right now so your brother Brett is on his way to pick you up. I will leave you guys to process this information."

Their father and brothers who they haven't seen in 3 years were going to take them in. They were excited that they would finally get to see their brothers again since it wasn't technically their fault that they lost touch with them but they were upset with their father because he didn't try and come see them or even reach out. They were all lost in their thoughts thinking about their mom and their brothers.

About 5 minutes later Maddie and Owen heard the door close and they saw that Lauren was no longer in the room.

"Do you think we should go after her?" Owen asked.

"No, I think we need to just give her some space. We can go look for her in about an hour if she doesn't come back," Maddie said to Owen.

Lauren couldn't sit in the room anymore and as much as she loves her siblings she wanted to be away from them for a while. She wanted to find her mom so she started walking around the hospital trying to find her mom's room. She honestly has no idea how she did it but after about 10 minutes of looking, she finally found her mom's room. She sat down next to her mother and stayed like that for a while.


Back in Lauren's hospital room Maddie and Owen sat there not saying anything to each other. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door which snapped them out of their thoughts. They looked at each other before Owen said, "Come in."

Two males walked in. Owen and Maddie were in shock. It was two of their older brothers, Brett and Ryan.

Owen and Maddie ran up to their brothers to hug them. They didn't realize how much they missed them for the past 3 years until just now.

Brett and Ryan pulled away from their younger siblings. They asked them what happened and Maddie and Owen explained how the house caught on fire and that Lauren went back in after their mom which is why she was in the hospital.

Ryan then noticed his youngest sister didn't come to greet them so he looked around the room to try and find her but he didn't see her.

"Where's Lauren?" Ryan asked.

"Well um, about 10 minutes ago she walked out. We are not sure where she went but we thought she needed some space. After all, she was closer to mom than we were," Maddie said.

"Yeah, we are concerned though because she didn't show any emotion at all when the social worker said that mom had cancer. We thought she wouldn't take it as well as she did. Honestly, we thought she would just start crying but no nothing," Owen said with some concern showing on his face.

All 4 of them started getting concerned. Lauren is the only one out of the entire family who doesn't hide how she is feeling so when she doesn't show any emotion at all that's when it's concerning.

"Where do you think she went?" Brett asked.

Maddie and Owen thought for a few minutes when it finally clicked.

"Mom's room," they both said at the same time.

So they all started walking towards their mom's room since Brett was told the room number. What they heard when they got to the door broke their heart.

"Mom, they say that you have brain cancer. I know there's a chance that you could die but you can't. If you do, I don't know how I will be able to live in this world without you. You are the only person that understands me. Even Maddie and Owen don't completely understand me as well as you do. Mommy, I need you. You can't leave me, " Lauren said.

Lauren wasn't crying like everyone thought she would. She couldn't because her family could walk in at any moment and she didn't want them to see her be weak but also because she wasn't believing that her mom was going to die. So she wasn't going to cry because there was no reason to. To Lauren, her mom was going to beat cancer and live a long life.

Maddie and Owen started crying when they heard what Lauren was saying. Lauren only calls their mom mommy when she is upset so they could tell that their sister was definitely on the verge of a breakdown; they just weren't sure when that would be.

"Oh by the way, while you are in the hospital we have to go live with dad and our older brothers. You know how mad I am with dad so it's probably not going to go well. You also know how upset I am at my brother's for not trying to keep in contact. Especially Ryan. He was my favorite brother and he never even tried to contact me. Mom, how am I supposed to forgive him? I know you wanted me too since you said it wasn't his fault but you never actually explained why. I wish you would have told me why."

Ryan could feel his heartbreak hearing his little sister talk. He wanted to just run in there, hug her and never let her go. He wanted to keep in contact with her but their father wouldn't let him and he still doesn't understand why. Ryan let his emotions get the best of him and walked into the room.

"Lauren," Ryan said in a soft voice.

Lauren's head snapped up to look at Ryan. She wanted to run in his arms but at the same time, she was mad at him and didn't want to.

"I am so sorry that I wasn't able to keep in contact with you these past 5 years. You have to trust me when I say I wanted to but for some reason, dad wouldn't let me. Again I really am...," Ryan said but was interrupted by his sister crashing into his body.

Lauren missed Ryan and in an instant she forgave him.

"I forgive you, Ry. I missed you so much," Lauren said to him.

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