Chapter 1

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Opening my eyes, slowly regaining consciousness, my back was aching from falling asleep atop of a desk... wait a desk?

Carefully raising my head, I grunted from the heaviness and looked around. I was in a classroom... Though something odd was going on... The windows were covered with giant metal plates... there was a camera staring right at me and there was an odd note not far from where I had "doze off".

Did I pass out and someone carried me here? How come I don't have my phone... Am I alone or are there other people in the same situation as me.

My thought process was quickly interrupted by a grunt coming from the back of the classroom. When I turned around I was met with someone else, resting atop of the desk like me. I couldn't see them as the top of their head was the only thing I could see.


They seem to stir open, since they were uncomfortably shifting in their seat and slowly raised their head, their blues eyes meeting mine. We looked at each other in silence for a minute, I felt like I knew them somehow...

After digging into my school memories, I remembered... this was Asutoraru Supiritto. We both met in Elementary school when we were kids. Though she was a transfer student, she had been homeschool for the early life, but apparently was forced into joining a school, unfortunately, our path separated when we started in Junior High... she hadn't seemed to have changed that much... well physically but something about her felt... different...

She was looking at me, not saying a word, looking up and down from her sitting position. Was she... analyzing me?


Her voice is slightly deeper than I remember... and detached...

"Asu? Wow, you've changed..."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Not at all! I just haven't seen you in a couple of years and... I just-

"You felt the need to point out how much I changed."

"Well uh... I didn't mean to make this awkward...."

"Mmmh? But it isn't. It's normal for you to say, after all, we haven't seen each other in 4 years."

"Right, so much has changed."

After that we both stayed in silence, it was her turn to take a look around the room.

"So, how did you enter this school.... as far as I've known... you never had any outstanding talent."

"Ouch," though some things never change... she is still blunt... though it is always something to take lightly... after all she's just being brutally honest... that's the way she always was...

"You're right though, I was selected as the winner of the lottery, so technically my talent is being lucky... but as far as I know... I don't know what's your talent."

"Right... I'm the Ultimate Barista."

"Uh... as far as I remembered you were more into psychology? You always analyzed the kids on the playground."

"Things changed, I make drinks now."

The way she said it was so bitter...

"Well, perhaps we should head to the main hall.... we're late." She said not wasting a minute.


I looked over at the clock and noticed she was right, it was five minutes past the meeting time.

"Aren't you worried about where we are right now?"

"I am... but staying here won't help us find out."

Raising hope (Danganronpa Trigger happy havoc fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon