Chapter 2

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The others had already left for the gym, it was only Asu and I walking together. Her eyes were absently looking forward, she seemed to be lost in her own mind with her arms crossed and a determined walk.



She didn't look at me and her answer was barely audible, "Why do you wear gloves?"

"It's no particular reason, I just wear them to prevent myself from burning my hands while I make drinks."

"Oh ok."

We kept walking in silence until we finally reached the gym, where Kyoko, Sayaka and Sakura were.

"You didn't go in yet?" I asked.

"I've been thinking about this whole situation, don't you find it odd?" Kyoko said, looking away from us.

"I mean yeah, but we've been pushing away the feelings.... or denying them," Sayaka answered.

"Well, let's go in, there's only one way we are going to know what's going on," Sakura answered, turning away to grab the door.

We both entered the gym where everyone else was already present.

"Took you long enough, you should know my precious time is not a wasteful thing," Byakuya said, placing is glasses correctly.

"Hell, what do you have better to do?" Mondo shouted.

"More important things than whatever this is." Byakuya snapped.

"Good! Everyone is here then let the opening ceremony start!"

As soon as we heard that, a bear appeared... wait a bear!?

"I know! Surprising, and yes I am your dear Headmaster, I am Monokuma, and no I'm not a build-a-bear reject!" Monokuma said, standing proud on stage.

"What the fuck...." Mondo said.

"Well, I am quite busy for a headmaster so let's get this ceremony rolling!"

"So we don't get to ask why you're a bear... and not you know human!? Aoi said.

"Oh please, this is so old school, and this Hope's Peak, you should expect these kinds of things! Anyway, you must have noticed the plates on the windows when you entered, well I've got an explanation for you..." He took a much dramatic breath, " It's because you're going to stay here all of your life! In other words, your school years are going to be endless! Isn't it wonderful!

"Wonderful!? But what if we have responsibilities outside, we must not give up on them as citizens-

"Oh get that stick out of your ass, you're trapped here forever, and that's not the best part ... this is all... a killing game!"

"A killing game!?"

The words left my mouth before I could even process what was happening.

"Yes, in other words, you are all trapped here so you can murder each other!"

A few spoke up and tried to fight off what the bear had just told us. I must have spaced out for a while, because the next thing I knew, Mondo was shouting at Monokuma and dangling it in the air. Kyoko told him to throw it... which he did, though mostly at a specific person. Luckily it didn't hit him...

"Tsk, you really thought you could kill me with this explosive bear, it takes more to kill the Ultimate Affluent Progeny."

"Oh shut you rich ass!" Mondo yelled.

"Uh um, guys, you might want to calm down, I know it's a stressful situation but-

As I said that, Mondo quickly approached me, "What did you say small shit!"

"I-I just said... w-we should take deep breaths and approach the situation-


As he yelled, he threw his fist in the air.

I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact, but surprisingly, someone shoved me aside. I heard a small yelp and then a thud.

When I opened my eyes again, Asu had her hand covering her nose which was bleeding...

"Asu are you okay!?"

"I'm fine... it didn't hurt that much..." she said glancing away.

"Shit- I didn't mean to punch a girl... I'm sorry!"

"It's... alright... stressful times often provoke these situations."

She slowly got up, though she seemed to have a hard time doing so, I offered my arm, but she glared at me and proceeded to walk out of the gym.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Mondo said.

"I would appreciate not bleeding out... so I'm going to tend to my wounds if you wouldn't mind."

Those were her last words before she disappeared.

After that, we all agreed to split up and search the school.

After I was done, with unfortunately not much to bring to the table, I made my way early to the dining hall.

As I entered, there was no one, but I could hear the chatter of some people. I made my to the back of the kitchen, to be met with Kyoko, Celeste, Sakura and a very pale Asu, standing over the sink.

"Eh, what's going on here..."

"We're trying to make her nose stop bleeding, but it won't stop," Sakura said as she pinched Asu's nose.

"Every time I apply pressure, hoping a cloth would form, it just doesn't and it keeps bleeding," Asu said in yet the calmest but also shaky voice.

"Perhaps it is broken?" Celeste said, staying away from the scene.

"It doesn't feel like it is... It would hurt to breathe and it doesn't..."

"Asu, you seem pale, do you think you're going to pass out?" Sakura asked with a concerned expression.

"I do feel dizzy... but I'm fine seriously... there's no need to worry."

"Makoto, you should bring her to her room," Kyoko spoke for the first time.

"Ah- why me?"

"Don't you know her? If anything she might trust you more than anyone here."

"Right... Asu do you think you can walk?"

"My nose is bleeding, not my legs."

With a sharp tone and obvious sarcasm, I chuckled nervously while she had already made her way toward the rooms.

"Wait up!"

I rushed after her, even on the brim of passing out she's fast...

She opened the door, not caring to close it behind her, and rushed into the bathroom.

Although, she did close that door in my face, "Um, Asu..."


"Do you want me to help you or-

"I don't need anyone's help, you can just go to the meeting."

"Are you-

"Yes, go away."

Even if I wanted to stay, it would be obvious I wouldn't have a purpose and so I made my way back to the dining hall looking down at the floor...

Raising hope (Danganronpa Trigger happy havoc fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat