Chapter 6 : Secret diary

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Chater 6 : Secret diary

She put the cutter in front of him, “what if I cut your beautiful face, what will you say then.”
“…”  Ryan remained silent.
A cold sweat dripped down his face, a shiver went through his body. His eyes were shaking with fear, frantically trembling hands pushed the girl holding the knife away, he yelled for help. His expression seemed a little too scared.
With numb weak feet he tried to stand up and run, but with a thud he fell to the ground.
“What’s...huff… happening… huff…here, O my, Ryan! what happened,” Luke came by running after he heard the yell. It was a luck that Luke went out to throw the garbage bags the moment Ryan yelled.
“Hey, hey, calm down, Luke patted his back while caressing him, “I’m here, don’t worry.”
Those girls fled before Luke came leaving Ryan on the ground.
Ryan was frantically hyperventilating, but calmed down thanks to Luke. He found Ryan was unconscious actually on his shoulder.

“You woke up, that’s a relief,” Luke was reading a newspaper, with his  glasses on. It was unfamiliar to look at. Ryan saw a familiar ceiling when opened his eyes. He looked around to see and mumbled, “Um Luke...”
“Hm, say… Yeah I brought you home.”
“Thanks,” his cheeks grew red in shame.
“Never mind, but thank God I found you at the right moment or”… Darius  interrupted, “ Or, you would be left alone on a lonely alley for the whole night.”
“Sorry, I was coming home, but then these girls ganged up on me and the knife...” Ryan’s face became pale, “I was scared.”
“So, you have a phobia that I didn’t know about, you didn’t have this fear in childhood,” Darius was shocked.
“It somehow developed somehow,” his face darkened.
“OK, OK don’t stress it, tell us when you are comfortable.”
“So, I’m leaving now,” Luke Folded the newspaper and gave it back to Darius, “you take rest for today, I’ll tell my friend at car washers, rest a bit, see ya.”
“You’re so weak now, don’t rush,” he handed Ryan a glass of water, “I didn’t knew you had phobias like that…  never mind, take a nap, we will talk about that later.”
Ryan sat there quietly, thinking about something.
“You must be hungry, take this soup,” he handed Ryan a bowl of steaming red soup. It’s fragrance was quite decent, he just sipped a spoonful of soup.
“What- what’s with this soup? Why is it so salty?,” Ryan coughed.
“Wait, wait, did I put extra salt instead of sugar?” he ran to the freezer to get some water.
“Are you revenging me or what, cough… ugh.”
“No at all, I just—” Darius explained, “I just wanted to make something for you but it turned out like this.”
Ryan looked at his pouting face, thinking how cute could he become while sulking.
“You can tell me if anything troubling you, I’ll try to resolve it for you. Don’t be afraid, I’m always with you,” Darius reassured.
Ryan never opened up to anyone about his problems except to his mother. Unfortunately she was no more. He couldn’t share the problem he was facing, but tried to suppress it as well.

On a fine evening, while serving orders Ryan noticed a tall guy approached the counter. He rushed there to take his order. A gentle and smooth voice came, “one americano please.”
“…” Ryan was in awe, couldn’t respond to anything.
“Excuse me, have you heard?”
“Ah, yeah, yeah, an americano, it’ll be ready in a minute. Sir, can I have your name sir, for the bill.”
“Owen Davenport”
“Ok Sir, your order will be served in a minute.”
“So, was he your type?” Luke leaned to the door while smiling, “is it? I saw you, you were drooling over him.”
“No, no,” he flushed.
“Okay, okay, I won’t tease you anymore,’ Luke handed over a tray to serve, “now serve this to table 9 and 12.”
Ryan slowly approach table no 9, he saw that guy again, he served him his americano. As he was about to leave that table, that guy asked, “take the tray with you.” Ryan was so flustered, he hurriedly took back the tray.
“Have we met before? His voice sounded a bit heavy. Although Ryan couldn’t remember if they met before or not, but somehow his voice felt familiar to him.
“No, Sir, I don’t recall meeting you before, enjoy your coffee, have a nice day,” Ryan left.
At home while organizing his books, a diary with a blue cover fell down. The cherry blossom painted on it’s cover made it look a little girlish. A white ribbon wrapped around to keep it secure. It was a personal diary he wrote. He started writing this two years ago after he was adopted. He wrote everything that happened in those two years so vividly that one could simply picture the moments as they read.
“should’ve burned this,” he mumbled.
All moments were captured there like, the most intriguing one, where he killed someone. He kept this diary with his books in a box under his bed. Darius never touched his stuffs without permission. So he never had to hide it. This diary also contained a lot of quotes, lyrics from songs as well. No one could possibly believe it also had a record of a murder he committed with a very clear description. He was about to untie the ribbon, he heard door creaking.
“Oy, Ryan, whatcha doing?… oh, oh this time you messed up the room, not me dude,” Darius just came back, maybe from date.
“I’m just organizing my books,” Ryan hurriedly hid his diary in the piles of books beside his leg while staring at him he asked, “how was your date?”
“What the…, I wasn’t on a date, I went to tutor one of my friend, because she requested me to,” he replied with a disdain on his face.
“Oh, so she requested you to, that’s why you dressed up so nicely, just look at you with this white shirt. Typical boyfriend material,  if I was a girl, I would definitely fell for you right at this moment,” he teased and laughed.
“I’m going to change,” he went to the bathroom.
Darius looked at the mirror , his face was red like cherries. He felt the burning feeling all over his face when  Ryan  complemented him.

He left with nothingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin