Mr Smith-Explanations

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"Alright so-Mr Smith?!"Julia Gasped..

"Julia Patrick?!, What on earth are you doing here, oh do you want to harm my Granddaughter? Well Julia you have failed, now get o-"

"You think you can get rid of me easily?, Well think again,i have always prepared for this"Julia drops her bags and brings a gun from her inner wear..
A weird but perfect place to hide things like that,oh my goodness where did she get the gun?..Sophie thought..
Julia pointed the gun towards Mr Smith-Sophs Granny ready to pull the trigger already crying..

"Wait Julia, I want to know what happened before you pull the trigger, please let's all calm our nerves and sit, we just might be able to settle this amicably without anyone dying"Sophie said looking at both of them especially Julia hoping she'd calm down and not pull the trigger..finally she sat down..
"0k? Can someone talk please?"Sophie said trying to squeeze an explanation from them..

"Ok, ok Soph you've gotta take it lightly"Granny said with head faced down..

"Tell her already, and stop with the cock and bull story"Julia said still with the gun in her hand..waited for a while and scoffed then said"well Soph I gained admission in New York and Mr Smith was my lecturer so he was.. ok I found out through snooping around that he was in a cult named Fearless so they kinda sent him to initiate me but I didn't consent so the group told him to try harder then he threatened me to clear out my family but he was young so I thought he was joking until I didn't see my twin Julius  and my little sister Anabel I asked him but he denied it until I found their bodies in his house, my parents went missing so when they came back I told them to run away but then I never saw them, I know he had a hand in that..I was so bitter, I dropped in class and various areas, he later raped me and I just had to finally agree, that's when they gave me the gun, and I vowed to kill him with the same gun he gave me"..

"What!! Granny? Tell me she lying, it's not true is it?.."Sophie said..

"I never killed any member of your family they are all safe, well Soph, Julia is your Aunt, cause Julius had you with..with-Valerie, I lied about your parents, I'm sorry Soph, but I couldn't tell you I held your parents hostage in the bakery but left your mum-Valerie so she could take care of you"Her Granny said looking at Sophie..

Tears dropped on the floor from Soph's face as she said"Mr Smith, for how-"she sniffed and cried more "how lo-ng did you think y-you can..__ ke-eep this away from me?"

"Since, ok.. i-i didn't plan on telling you, but I knew you'd find out some day, that's why I helped you secure a job at the bakery.."

"I see! So Mr Smith where is my brother and the rest of my family?"Julia asked seemingly bored...

Few minutes later they got to Soph's work place, the bakery and finally they went to the last floor the room where Sophie has been dying to go to,there was a woman like age 30 there a man like age 42 and some elderly parents, like age 72-75 or more, who were tied up with chains and were sitting on a chair it was so messy and Smelly; So they used their nose-mask..

"Bro I've missed you so much, where's Anabel, mum and dad?"Julia said and for the first time Genuinely Smiling and looking around..

"I understand they've changed, see them"Julis said,
Just then Sophie and the rest heard some ones voice and the footsteps of someone...

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