This is not them

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"Sophie, I hope you're ready,its not necessary you.. you go you know?"Steve mentioned while munching something, Valerie looks at Sophie so concerned..

"Well guys am not a baby anymore I can do this-" she paused a while and glanced at their unsure faces,feeling the fear also she smiled sweetly at them,broke the silence and said, "if you don't see me in 3 hours be sure to call the cops"

"I don't think we'll wait till then"Valerie smiled..

"W£ shouldn't waste time Soph just go in there show them whatever pictures and walk straight into this car"Steve said Grinning..

Soph walked towards the house and stopped at the door, she was about knocking when she started thinking...

They may not be my parents afterall, Even if they are they certainly wouldn't like me afterall they abandoned me all this year's all because I'm a girl so what stops them from thinking that now? Meanwhile am I sure it's not here Granny always come to? I need  to  trail  him  one  of this days.. I need answers..

Sophie then raised her hand to knock and gently she knocked, after 3 attempts she knew they were not home as she stepped back an elderly woman opened the door, in her mid-70s she smiled at Sophie and ushered her into the living room..

"Hey little lady, I don't think I know you? But please take a seat.."the elderly woman said and looked at Sophie with amusement filled in her eyes...
"I am Here to see Mr and Mrs Cookie, by the way my name is Sophie"
"Alright, Sophie I will go get them"

Just before she left she flipped through channels and later settled at Nat Geo Wild..She went to get Sophs parents and then they came..finally........after all these while.

"S0 I hear you are Sophie?"a voice from the dining said; it was a woman with freckles on her face and birthmark by her right side.

"Ya I am umm I'd like to see both of you concerning a very serious matter"Sophie said and then glared at the elderly woman and also a boy like her age..

"You two may leave now, but Incase you hear a scream know she's done something to harm us "the man said, smiling..

"S0!,as to why I'm here.."Soph said breaking the silence"I suppose you are Mrs Samantha Cookie?""and you are Mr Jacobs Cookie?"Soph said as she motioned to the both of them...

"Well yeah, you surprisingly got that"Jacobs said and looked at his wife who looked speechless and simply nodded..

"That's be.. because I'm.. I..I'm your.. umm.. I'm your long forgotten.......... daughter!".. Sophie Stuttered and said bowing her head..

The woman laughs so loud the elderly woman and the boy came out to see if they were okay and Jacobs motioned for them to go back..

"Well I knew he'll do it"Jacobs said and continued"thank goodness you came to come and hear our own side of the story, well your Father's name is Tom and he left you in our care cause he had money issues so later he came back to take you back but by then we.. we sold you cause we couldn't afford baby things so at age 8 you were sent to fend for yourself by Timmy right?? Your original name is Julia but you changed it to Sophie cause you wanted a polished name for your brand..but now you look innocent one would not notice you've gone into prostitution before"Jacobs shook his head and sighed.

"Whaat? I'm sorry I'm in the wrong house cause I never had that kind of history"Sophie said looking at them tears in her eyes threatening to fall at her disappointment..

"It's not easy when remembering your past I know it's not, don't try to cover it up feel free darling"Samantha said smiling sadly..

"I'm sorry for wasting your time.. this is all a mix up,"Soph handed to them her baby pictures before they could say further..

The happiness that she was going to see her parents today slowly faded away.. she wondered when she was going to see her parents..she went home not saying a word to Steve and Valerie who was constantly looking at her for anything till they dropped her home.....
She saw her Granny coming in also and passed through the back door, she wasn't in the mood for talking especially speaking to her Granny..

She decided to call Steve..

After two rings he picked up..

"Hi, Soph how are you doing"? Steve asked..

"I guess im better, umm Steve I'm planning on going to the library to clear my head do you mind meeting me there so I wouldn't be alone?"Sophie asked and there was a slight pause then Soph rolled her eyes...

"Uhhh, o-okay I'll see you, but I may not spend that long cause I'm preparing for a game night...
You could come you know?"Steve said and Soph could feel him Smiling..

"0k so I guess I may come at least to clear my head.."Sophie said then asked"umm where are you living?"There was a huge pause and silence but Soph could still hear his faint breathing"wait a minute you're telling me now that, you don't know where you are living?"

"Uh kind of, it's not bad..Is it?"......"ohhhohh I remember now, 2 Bailey street off Macaulay road"

"0,that's not really far it's 35 minutes from here by trekking and 16 minutes by car".

"Right, so no need to meet at the library?"


"Okay so see you at 9:00pm..bye Soph, take care"

"0h okay, bye, take care of yourself Steve.."
After a while Soph was bored again and decided to go to the library..she later read He is Mine and enjoyed it then read Meeting Jayla Wõõds and finally left; on the way she spotted her granny opening the door to the bakery and took a picture of him.. she then stalked him for the rest of the day..and she found out some things..

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