Chapter 19

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Loki and I go into the eating room, Odin, Frigga and Thor snap there heads up at us. "What is the meaning of this emergency dinner?!" Odin's voice makes me flinch, I'm still suprised at how loud it is.

Loki and I walk over and take the only two seats left, me beside Thor and in front of Loki. "Well, I have to tell you some news... We do." Loki says reaching across the table grabbing my hand, Thor already looking infuriated. "I have decided to court lady Y/n."

"Well Loki, I'm happy that you finally found someone." Frigga says.

"You think you think can just court my oldest son and then just go for his little brother!?" Odin says.

Thor... Well he just got up and walked out of the room.

"Odin you should let Loki and y/n be happy!" Frigga says standing up to her husband. "Fine! I don't car anyways you're not even my son!" Loki looks at Odin before standing up. "Well, this has been a delightful dinner. Mother thank you for accepting this and Odin... I'll see you around." With that Loki walks out of the room, me following him.

"Where are we going?" Loki stops walking and turns to face me. "All my life I've never wanted to impress Odin, I've always wanted to impress Thor. I know it sounds ridiculous but I need him in my life... And I need you too, so I need to fix things up with him before it gets bad." I see tears forming in Lokis eyes due to his father not accepting Loki.

"Okay let's find him."

After a long time of looking we find Thor in my chambers, sitting on the edge of my bed, holding an old photograph of us. "Thor..." Loki says walking near him. "I'm happy for you guys... And I hate that I am. I should've seen from the moment you to layed eyes on eachother you were meant to be. I'm sorry I just walked out without saying a thing."

"No Thor I'm the one that should be apologising, I should have asked you before I asked to court y/n. I'm truly sorry." Thor looks up from the picture and hugs Loki, I smile at the sight of two brothers. "Y/n get in here!" Thor says causing Loki and I to let out a chuckle.

Later Loki and I are lying in his bed. "I know this might be a bit soon but... I love you." Loki sits up, shocked at my words. "Y- you what?" Shit what if I scared him. "... I love..  you." Loki looks at me and smirks. "I was scared you would never of said that... I love you too."

Let's just says Loki and I had some fun after that.

I think the next chapter will be the last! But don't worry I'm already writing the first chapter to my new book.
-Keira 🥰

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