TP&HP 2: His Curiosity

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Shawn was shoved into a room where seven women were ready to see him. He was stripped naked of the rags he had on his body and thrown wet with water.

They scrubbed him down removing all the dirt collected over the years, making sure that even his ears and asshole was clean of the dirt while the room danced with steam.

They drenched him in bathing oils and dunked him into a bubble bath with herbs and all sorts of fragrances that made the smell of dirt on him disappear but did not clash with each other.

The grime was scrubbed out of his hair and the hair on his body was shaved off from his legs, armpits, face and pubic area by request of the prince. This bareness alone made Shawn feel refreshed but embarrassed at the same time.

Shawn was given another bath that he soaked in and his feet were rubbed with salt to clean all the possible diseases off as well as his body, the women made sure to scrub the dead skin off his heels too.

His untamed hair was cut to shoulder length and his mouth was cleaned with a brush and mint paste.

After his second bath, they gave him towels to wipe himself off with and gave him regular clothes to wear.

Shawn sat on the bed dressing as he wondered what this was all about? Especially since all of this happened right after he was visited by that young man who the magistrate referred to as the prince. The prince of what? This kingdom?

Dinner was prepared and he was given the best to eat. Things he had never eaten or seen before was on his plate and for some reason, he was not sure if he should eat it but he did in the end due to his hunger.

He rested in the finest bed that was the most uncomfortable for him but he slept peacefully that night and did not even dream.

The next morning he was woken up early and given a bath yet again, it was gentle this time, unlike yesterday where he felt as though he was going to die from his skin being ripped off.

He received breakfast then brushed his teeth.

Shawn had muscles from working out every other day when he was freed from the cells so he was not skinny. The clothes they gave him this time were made of the finest cloth and the boots were made of the finest leather.

He was told by the innkeeper that he had to meet with someone and a carriage was waiting for him outside.

When he walked out of the inn, he saw that there was a woman directing the coach and she wore the finest livery. She raised her hat and nodded her head as she saw him confusing Shawn but he returned the greeting.

He got in after thanking the innkeeper and attendant and sat there silently while he was taken somewhere far from the place he lived in for the past ten years.

The carriage stopped after a short drive but the door did not open. A moment later, a familiar voice entered his ears that was very sweet to the ear, but was not speaking to him as the owner asked, "Is he in there?"

"Yes, my lord," Joan coachman answered respectfully.

The door of the carriage opened and in climbed the young man from yesterday. He sat down opposite Shawn and gave him a once over and said with a smile, "I see you are out."

"Thanks to you... my lord," Shawn said stiffly.

Aldridge chuckled and said as he knocked on the wooden frame of the carriage and it rode off, "Please, do not call me that, I am tired of being respected. Please call me Aldridge or if you would like, you can call me whatever you wish."

"Why did you get me released... Aldridge?" Shawn asked, he was very curious to know this although it did not show on his face.

Aldridge looked at him as though he could read what he was thinking. After a moment he answered, "No reason in particular but I do have my own selfish reasons for releasing you."

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