Wiping away her tears Evelyn flinched at his touch and tried pulling away, but his hand stayed on her injured skin. Looking into the green eyes of her enemy, the monster who was going to sell her like merchandise, she only saw calmness. In those few seconds she could have sworn kindness flickered in his orbs as he wanted to find out who had hurt her. Removing his hand from her cheek, Evelyn closed her eyes once more dropping her head which caused him to step back but not too far. "Love..." He whispered to her, breaking the thick silence, which sent unpleasant shivers down her spine. "Ye had a long day. Why don't ye go to the cabin?" It was not what he wanted to say but couldn't find the words, he fumed with anger and wanted to find the man who touched her. Nodding at him slowly her tears had slightly subsided, and she slowly made her way to the cabin. Looking back at him he stayed near the railing, not attempting to move. Once she was gone, he made his way below deck to find Hawkins holding a corps beaten to a pulp and blood on his hands. Silver though if it was Hawkins who killed the scums life it would have been him. Ordering Hawkins to through the lifeless body overboard to rot at the bottom of the sea. Silver had changed, and he feared it might not all be for the better.

Arriving at the cabin, it was dark inside, and the ship rocked side to side. Washing her salty face in the wash bowl she dried off and hung the towel. Making her way to the bed Evelyn could believe what had happened and she could believe she was still alive. It scared her not know what was happening in his mind and why he had spared her for so long. About to sit on the mattress a sudden white light blinded her followed by thunder which made her flinch. A crashing wave threw her off balance and she dropped to the floor. Hearing men run up and down on the deck, shouting at one another. Reacting on instinct Evelyn jumped up and junked the door open. I need to help them. A voice echoed.

Outside it pouring down on everything and only a few minutes ago it was a clear night sky. Stood for only a few seconds she was soaking wet, but it didn't matter. Another wave hit the ship, rocking it violently, taking everyone to the ground. There were men on the sail yards trying to tie the sails down, while others were busy tying crates and barrels. Running to them Evelyn tied a few as the men scolded her to get inside but she didn't listen. The ship rocked furiously once more throwing men off of the masts and onto the wooden deck. None dead but hurt tremendously. Looking up at the sail she could see not all were tied and rushed up the ropes, not caring for her dress – if the ship toppled over, they would all die – her chose of escape was not that route. All sails tied she looked over the dark frantic ocean, clouds all around them, the waves were furious and ready to eat any vessel that was not worthy. On her way down she saw Hawkins at the wheel trying to keep the ship on course. Making her way over to him – to lend assistance – another wave, bigger, hit the ship and Hawkins released the wheel. It spun frantically. I have to stop it. That voice. Trying to catch it, it only hurt her hands as it was too fast. Seeing a bucket roll on the deck an idea struck her.

Running after it, it rolled in every direction as the waves hit the ship. However, it was making its way to the side of the ship, it was going to fall. "No!" Evelyn yelled and jumped on it but slid on the wet surface making her way to the side. Grabbing the rail, she hooked the bucket handle on her arm as her legs dangled off the ship. Glancing down she saw the waters grabbing at her feet, hungry for anyone that fell in. Pulling herself up she ran back to the wheel, grasping the bucket tightly Evelyn jammed it into the handles, hoping one "hooked" the bucket. With a loud thud the wheel stopped spinning and she quickly grabbed it, the bucket flying to the side. She wasn't as strong as a man, she used all her strength to keep the ship on course but struggled, nonetheless. Lightning struck one of the masts, shattering a yard from its hold. "LOOK OUT!!" Someone called from the deck and men ran in every direction to get away. Splintering the wood and snapping the ropes as it crashed into the top deck.

Evelyn's hands ached from keep the wheel in hand, she was losing her grip, and it would be the end for them all. Feeling warmth behind her two stronger arms grabbed the wheel, lifting the strain from her biceps. "LET GO!" They yelled which made her step to the side. It was Nickalos, he was soaking wet, tired and ready for the storm to be over. "GET INSIDE! NOW!" His voice boomed over the chaos and Evelyn followed his orders, rushing to the cabin, but not without another wave crashing, and sending her down to the ground. Pain shot from her hands, knees and legs throughout her entire body, as the scars and scratches burned from the splintered deck. Bleeding heavily Evelyn stood from the broken planks and tried walking to the cabin, but an arm wrapped around her waist and shoulders holding her bridle-style. Carrying her swiftly to the cabin her heart blocking her from screaming but as Evelyn looked up she saw Silver holding her tightly against him. Kicking the door open it shut with the amount of force delt on it as they entered the dark quarters. "Ye should have stayed in the cabin!" He scolded her and lightning struck anew. Setting her on the bed he rushed to his chest removing a bottle of some brown liquid along with white cloth, grabbing the towel off the wall. "I help!" Evelyn protested, which made him made but not furious as she did help, he just wished she didn't. Kneeling before her he touched her burning legs which made her release a cry of pain. Covering her mouth to block her screams. Glancing up at her his expression changed from anger to concern, whispering softly. "Sorry." Placing her ankle on his raised knee Evelyn flinched at his touch but didn't protest. "May I?" He asked gently, pointing to the bottom of her dress. Nodding slowly, he carefully held the cloth between his thumb and index- finger, placing it on her thighs to get to her knees. Moving from her thigh over her knee, past her injured shin to her ankle, Evelyn hissed in pain as he passed the open wounds. Humming slightly, he removed the splinters from her skin, throwing them to the floor. After everything was removed, he held the towel to pour the liquid. "This might burn." Placing the towel on her leg, pain shot through her once more, and she covered her lips where hums of pain had only escaped. Moving on to her other leg and hands Nicolas was gentle, calm and very focused on what he was doing, his hands moving swiftly and steadily.

His hands were warm compared to her and he could feel her body shiver. Placing his coat on Evelyn's shoulders her body quickly stopped feeling cold. His shirt clung to his body, making it easier to see his built form. removing her eyes from him their eyes met. In those few moments it felt as though time had stopped, everything felt silent. It was almost as if they were in the ballroom dancing as they did before. Prying his eyes away from her he wrapped the white cloth on all her open wounds. Sighing deeply Nicolas held her chaff, rubbing his thumb on her exposed skin. Examining her new scars, he was furious with himself that he had chased her away and that was what hurt her. Meeting her icy eyes once more his were riddled with focus and concern, and to his surprise he pulled himself closer to Evelyn. She thought she was having a heart attack as it picked up pace with every move and every touch. She could feel his hot breath ghost her face. His right hand sat beneath her knee, and he wrapped his hand around her upper thigh. Evelyn gasping at his action which please him, but she tried moving away but his hand kept her in place. The space between them slowly got smaller and his eyes were focused on her lips.

"Captain!" Silver quickly jumped up and turned his body towards the voice, "Aye!" Silver said frustrated, frightening Henry. "S- sir, the storm has passed. No man has fallen off Lady Death." The boy answered respectfully, and Silver's expression softened, "That's great news, Henry. Any other casualties?" Silver asked, staying in front of Evelyn, she could still feel the warmth of his hand on her leg. "Just some minor injuries and minimal damage to the ship, sir." Silver placed a hand under his chin, smiling softly at the boy. Henry smiled at his Captain and quickly glanced at Evelyn before leaving, closing the door behind him. Looking back at her, Evelyn held her breath, fixing her now bloody dress. The look in his eyes had faded and Evelyn was grateful, "Thank you." She spoke softly, not quite sure what she was thanking him for. For fixing her wounds? Or not doing anything to her? Humming softly, he walked to his closer, pulling his shirt over his head. Averting her eyes, she thought he obviously wasn't shy. Not able to help herself she took the chance to look at him. He had many scars on his back, some old and some new. Turning slightly, she could see his torso and chest had the same number of scars, along with the large one. He was also very well built and tanned which made her blush. Slipping into another shirt he made his way to the table, continuing as if nothing had happened but it did not leave his mind.

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