The Beginning

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"Papa, is Xiao Zhan, Kai's mama?" asked Yibo's son, Kai, as he cock his head to the side.

"Well, Kai, he is my fated pair and my mate so of course, he's your mother," said Yibo as he smiles at his son who was beaming in happiness.

"So, so. Mama is coming home?" asked Kai as he looks at his food as if talking to himself.

"Then, then, mama will stay with us forever?" asked Kai as he looks at his father full of hope.

The hopeful stare melts his heart but at the same time makes him feel sad knowing that his mate run away from him again.

"Don't worry okay Kai, papa will bring mama back and this time mama will be with us forever," said Yibo with determination as now not only for him but also for his son's sake.

"Papa will bring mama back home and that's my promise to you Kai" add Yibo as he held out his pinky to Kai, who did the same as they do the pinky promise action.

"Yahoo, Kai can't wait to see mama," said Kai happily as he smiles widely and eat his greens.

Right after their late lunch, Yibo couldn't do what he wanted to do as he was buried with his work that needed immediate attention that only he can authorise.

Amidst his heavy workload, he couldn't help but think back on his first encounter with his mate where they accidentally look at each other while waiting for their ride in front of the school gate.

Both were at the age of 17 years old, senior high school student. One goes to a private high school while the other goes to a public high school, where the school building is opposite of each other.

It was like the time slowly slow down around them but their moment cut short as Xiao Zhan's car arrived to pick him up.

Then again he saw Xiao Zhan as he was walking over towards the public library at the other side of the building where he has to walk past through the private high school's basketball court.

At that time, like usual and his daily routine, Xiao Zhan will walk pass through the place and like usual Wang Yibo will seat at the bench and look at him as he passes by.

Up to a point where, one of Yibo's friend calls him out for being a creep as if looking at his unrequited love walking pass the court and like usual, Xiao Zhan ignores their stares and walk away.

"Don't you think that he looks like a rose?" asked Yibo as he still looks at Xiao Zhan's way.

"Rose? What are you babble about?" asked Jingyu as he throws the basketball towards their other friends telling them to continue playing.

"You know, like beautiful yet surrounded by torn but at the same time people couldn't help but get attracted towards him," said Yibo as he smiles while looking at Xiao Zhan's pathway remembering that he always walk past their court.

"What? Hahaha, oh my lord, are you high or something?" asked Jingyu while laughing out loud at his best friend.

"Yo Liam! Come here real quick" scream Jingyu as he waves at his other best friend that comes jogging towards them after being called upon.

"Look at this clown, being all love-struck" add Jingyu as he still laughing at his best friend.

"You are the one looking like a clown right now Jingyu, laughing like a donkey," said Liam as he laughs at his own statement, accompany by Yibo as they all laugh out loud carefreely.

After a few minutes of laughing, Liam calm down from his laughter fit and asked;

"You two clown did something worth laughing at?" as he grabs his water bottle and takes a sip of his drinks.

"This clown here, said that the boy who always walks pass through our court looking like a freaking rose"

"What? Rose? Seriously?" asked Liam as he holds his laughter in.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Laugh all you want but I said what I want and what I think of him so yea, he is looking like a rose" said Yibo as he rolls his eyes at them.

"Okay, okay. So Casanova, did your rose even know that you're being a creep and stare at him all the time?" asked Liam as he and Jingyu holding their laughter in.

"You two seriously, of course, no idiots. He always has this 'I don't want to talk to anyone aura probably because he is a beta so it's in his thread or genetic" said Yibo.

"Wow, wow. Do you really like him? Or he's just some prey that you want to play with?" asked Liam in a serious tone as he looks at Yibo.

"I don't know yet Liam" reply Yibo as he smirks at them.

"Although I don't condone your action of looking at him as a creep if you want to play with him, I don't think you should Yibo. You shouldn't play with anyone's heart" said Liam as he full of concern.

"Wait why are you worry over him? Do you know that person?" asked Jingyu as he leans forward towards Liam.

"Personally no but know a little about him yes, because he is Dema's good friend and apparently so does your boyfriend Jingyu," said Liam straightforward.

"Huh?! Jingyu got himself a boyfriend?" asked Yibo as he looks at Jingyu in shock.

"What the fuck Liam!" said Jingyu as he looks sharp at Liam who looks away from him as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"What the fuck Jingyu! You didn't tell me?" said Yibo as he pulls him by his collar.

"Okay, okay. Alpha calm down, I didn't know how to tell you two like what will you react and all" said Jingyu as he holds onto Yibo's hand.

"I know him this year when he got a transfer to the school that's opposite of our school a week after your boy transfer here. I saw him, I smell him and instantly know that he's my mate so yea, I confront him and since then we have been secretly dating and going out upon his own request" said Jingyu as he looks at his best friend but at the same time trying to avoid eye contact.

"Damn you both for keeping this big thing a secret from me. What a brother" said Yibo full of sarcasm.

"Sorry bro but that's our mate's request so as a good mate we obey, am I right bro?" said Jingyu as he nods his head at Liam who nods his head back in agreement.

"Whatever but I want to meet with your mates and you can't avoid it or else," said Yibo as he put his hand on his neck, indicating he will kill them by slit their throats.

"Don't worry bro, we will tell them," said Jingyu as he winked at him.

"Whatever, now let's get back to our game," said Yibo as he stands up and heads over to the others who are still playing basketball.

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