Visitor (edited)

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We just finished operating on Namjoon, everything went really well, he is now resting comfortably in his room, Hoseok and Jungkook are sitting with him. Jimin and I finish cleaning and sterilizing the operating room, when I hear a knock and when I turn I see Jungkook leaning against the door, god he makes my knees weak, those eyes are going to be the death of me. "Can I speak to you for a second", he asked me. 

I nod and walk out of the room taking him to my office and standing as far from him as the little room will allow. "I want to apologize for my actions the last time I saw you, I honestly didn't do that on purpose, and I wanted you to know that I didn't sleep with any Alphas, the Alpha you smelled is my friend, he scents me when we hang out so that other Alpha's will leave me alone", he says looking down, I see the tears forming in his eyes, tugging at my heart.

"Jungkook, thank you for apologizing,  it makes me feel better to know that you aren't just sleeping around with random Alphas, I think that would really upset your dad, because he has heard from quite a few people that you have been with several different Alphas", I say. "Upset my father, doesn't it bother you to hear that I am fucking random Alphas, you are my mate, tell me it upsets you, tell me that it bothers you, even though it isn't true, show me you are bothered", he cries. 

He turns and walks out, I hold my chest, my heart aching so badly because I want my Omega in my life, Jimin notices the tears and comes over to hug me, "why Jimin, why can't I just be happy." He pats my back , "Jin he is coming around, I can see it on his face, he wants his Alpha, please just give him time, he is a pup and I am sure these feelings are different for him." I know he is right, I can smell Jungkook's scent has changed since our first meeting. 

Jimin calls Yoongi and tells him to meet us at the diner for dinner, my phone goes off as we find a table, "Oh I will send you the address, meet us here." I wait outside and see New pulling up in his car, I walk toward him and he launches himself into my arms, "hi baby, you didn't tell me you'd be here today." "I couldn't wait another day, I miss you", he says kissing me. "I just left you a day ago, we are just getting something to eat, come on you can meet my best friend", I say pulling him into the diner.

"Hi Jimin, how are you liking small town life, this is so much different than Seoul", New asks hugging Jimin. "Yes it is, I like it though, it's very quaint and homey, not all the hustle and bustle of big city life", he says waving Yoongi over. He kisses Jimin on the forehead and looks at New smiling, "Yoongi, this is my boyfriend New, New this is Yoongi, my best friend from high school." "It's very nice to meet you, how did the surgery go", Yoongi asks. Jimin smiles brightly and Yoongi coo's at his beautiful smile, "he was amazing as usual, you should have seen him work, the operation was a success."

After dinner we all head back to the clinic to check on Namjoon, Kara is getting ready to leave for the day, "everything okay." "Yea, he is still sleeping, and I cleaned up his bathroom, you also have two people asking about appointments, but I told them we weren't sure of the status of a pack doctor", she says. I notice her looking New up and down with a hint of jealousy in her glare, "New this is Kara our receptionist, Kara this is my boyfriend New." "Its very nice to meet you Kara", he says sweetly. 

She nods and then focuses on me, "Hoseok and Jungkook are still in there with Namjoon making sure he is comfortable, see you in the morning Doc." "Yoongi you can go in and see him, we don't want to many people in their at once", I say. I take New's hand and show him around the clinic and everything we did to upgrade, "Seokjin I am so impressed with what you have done in such a short time, it's amazing." He wraps his arms around me and kisses me deeply.


Hoseok and I decide to grab something to eat since Yoongi is back and can sit with my dad, I haven't eaten all day and I am starving. I walk out and I see Seokjin kissing another man, my heartbreaks but my wolf gets angry and a low growl starts in my belly and rises, I've never wanted to rip someone apart before until tonight, that Beta has his mouth on my Alpha. Jin pulls away quickly and looks at me, I know he feels my pain and sorrow fills his eyes, "New this is Namjoon's son, Jungkook."

Hoseok walks out and sees what's happening, "lets go get something to eat Kook, we will be back." "New this is Hoseok, Namjoon's mate", he introduces. Funny he didn't mention to his little boyfriend that I am his mate, "should we bring him food." "No the first day or two only liquids, I have already prepared him some broth which I will give him shortly, nothing to heavy for a couple days", he says. I hear the nervousness in his voice and he cant take his eyes off of mine.

We walk out and Hoseok could tell I was upset, "they make a gorgeous couple don't they." "No they dont", I spat. "Jealous are we, funny you are the one wanting to reject your mate, yet I am seeing an Omega getting very jealous over his Alpha, I think you are finally growing up Jungkook and realizing that you want Seokjin, dont let him get away, you will regret it for the rest of your life", Hoseok says hugging me as I cried.

I'm mad, because he's right, he is perfect and I do want my Alpha. "If you keep letting disgusting Alphas stick their dicks in you, you will get pregnant and be stuck with an Alpha who will treat you like shit", he says. After we eat we head back to the clinic,  Seokjin is sitting with my dad and they are talking and laughing while my dad eats his broth. 

"Damn Seokjin, only you could make plain broth taste fantastic, oh you two are back did you have a good dinner", my dad asks us as he sees us in the doorway. "We did love, how are you feeling", Hoseok asks. "I feel really good actually, Seokjin is going to stay here tonight just in case", my dad says. "Yes, I'm actually going to go home and take a shower and change then I'll be back, if you all don't mind waiting, if anything happens while I am gone please call right away, I am not far away", Seokjin says. He bows and says he will return.

I follow him as he walks out into the lobby, "Seokjin." He stops but doesn't turn around. "Are you going to tell your boyfriend that you found your mate", I ask coldly. He sighs and turns, the things he does to my heart, "I told him already and I also told him that you are going to reject me, so he knows that he and I can get more serious now", he says sadly, turning back around to leave. "Alpha", when I say that my wolf howls with happiness and when Jin turns around his eyes are a bright red, and I know my eyes flash blue, "I want to get to know you, please, I want us to try", I beg. 

This man right here is the epitome of beauty, inside and out! I miss him so much.

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