Operation (Edited)

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Hoseok texted me that Jin is back and I am really nervous to see him after what I did before he left, they are preparing to operate on my dad in a day or two, they just moved him from our house to the newly renovated clinic, I can't wait to see it. I walk in to see a brand new waiting room with a beautiful receptionist sitting behind a large desk, "Im Jungkook, I'm here to see Namjoon." "It should be okay, let me ask Dr. Kim", she says. I glare at her because of the way she says my Alpha's name, like I dont know what that tone in her voice means, "he said its fine, go on back, first door on your right."

"Who is that woman", I ask furiously. "What woman, you mean Kara, she is great isn't she", my dad says. I sit in the chair and pout, "no she's not, she wants Jin." He laughs, "dont be ridiculous Jungkook, how was school." "Boring, I want to do my art, own my own studio, I dont need school for that", I say. "Lets not do this now Kook, please, I promise we will talk after surgery", he says. Jimin walks in with Dad's dinner, he smiles at me but doesn't say anything.

 "Hi Jimin-Hyung", he pats my shoulder and walks out, I dont think he cares for me to much. "How are you feeling", I ask. "I'm feeling really good actually, Seokjin had all this new stuff brought in so that he could do my surgery with proper equipment", my dad says. "So what, he comes here and uses all the pack funds, this shit isn't cheap dad", I say angrily. "Jungkook, you are right, it isn't cheap, Seokjin didn't use any of packs funds, he bought all this himself", my father said very upset with my comment.

 "He did, why", I ask confused. "The clinic needs it Jungkook, we can help more people now, I want to ask him to stay on as our pack doctor, now that Jimin and Yoongi are mates, I'm hoping he will agree, but he has a boyfriend back in Seoul who may not want to move here", he says. "I heard he has a boyfriend, are they serious", I question, my chest hurting. 

"Yes, according to Jimin they are, New is a Beta, but I know deep down that Jin is a hopeless romantic and couldn't wait for the day he'd meet his mate, and who knew when that day came, it was you, an uneducated little Omega who can't wait to reject him", my dad says angrily, making me feel like the most horrible person alive. Just then the door opens and Hoseok walks in with Seokjin behind him, my heart flutters at the sight of him, my wolf knows he's here and wants to jump into his arms, but he doesn't even look at me.


The new equipment arrived yesterday so I returned to the clinic, then Jimin and I spent the whole night hooking all the machines up and testing them, we renovated the clinic with fresh paint and pictures, I had the floor replaced, and we made it look really nice. We went shopping for items to decorate, giving it a more homey feel. Two new hospital rooms were built for the privacy of the patients and so that Namjoon would be more comfortable after his surgery, we installed brand new beds, TV's and even have bluetooth speakers so patients can listen to music.

We also decided to hire a receptionist, Dr. Woo never used one so I had to buy a desk, a computer and a couple file cabinets so that the new pack doctor can keep track of all the patients, we put an advertisement in the pack newspaper that we are hiring for the new position, and ended up hiring a very qualified receptionist, who is very easy on the eyes as well. I walk into Namjoon's room, Jimin and Jungkook are in there, but I focus on Namjoon. 

"Are you ready Joon, we have everything prepared, let me explain what will happen during surgery, we will be taking veins from your leg and attaching it to veins around your heart, these are called bypasses, we are helping the blood flow better thru the healthy veins because the ones you're using now are blocked", I say. 

Jimin talks next, "you will need to stay here at least 7 days after surgery and if your heart is pumping properly, and your blood flow is good, you can go home but you will need to start therapy." "What kind of therapy", Hoseok asks. "Respiratory and physical, it will help with his breathing and his blood flow, you will be down for about 3-4 months", I say. I glance at Jungkook and notice his big eyes staring at me,  "Jimin and I are going to get some rest and we will perform the surgery first thing in the morning, I will be in the other room in case you need me." 


"You okay Jungkook", my dad asks. "Yea, just worried about you that's all", I say. "Joon we are going to go home and get some rest, we will be back in the morning, if you need anything call for Seokjin", Hoseok says as we give him a group hug and telling him we love him. I follow Hoseok out front and see Jin speaking with the receptionist, noticing they are standing very close to each other, my wolf reacts and growls, my eyes turning a dark blue. Jin just looks at me like he can't believe I just did that, but steps back from her anyway, I can't help but to smile a little as I leave.

The next morning Jin comes into my dad's room to talk to Hoseok and I, "it will take a couple hours, if you want to leave and come back that's fine, or you can wait in his room for him." Fuck he's so sexy, I never knew the nerdy doctor could be so sexy, his body is ridiculous, long legs and broad shoulders, he truly is a perfect Alpha, Id bet everything I have that he is an amazing Alpha. They wheel my dad out, I look at Seokjin and I know he feels my worry because his eyes tell me that it will be okay, he releases his pheromones before walking out and I calm down instantly.

I sit in my dad's room waiting for the surgery to be over, Hoseok sits in the other chair reading a book, I can't help but to sit here in the silence, thinking to myself how stupid I am being, how is it that everybody sees Seokjin as this wonderfully amazing Alpha and I am being so blind. I know it has a lot to do with Jai, he is an Alpha from the next village over. 

I have liked him since the 3rd grade and then we became friends, but when we became of age, he presented as an Alpha. His dad, who is the leader of the his pack, has turned him into an asshole, teaching him it's okay to treat Omegas less than what they really are, he was nice to me at first, and I was happy that my crush wanted me like I wanted him, but then he became cruel and forcing me to do things. 

After our first time having sex he told me that I would be his Luna when he became pack leader and that I wasn't allowed to be with anyone else, but then I met my fated mate and haven't spoken to Jai since, I dont even think of him anymore. Seokjin has taken up every space in my brain, my every thought, my every dream is about him, and it scares me knowing I wont be able to live without him in my life, if I want a life without love or pain. 

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