He spares a nervous glance. "Oh—Um. No—I didn't . . . mean it."

"As a matter of fact, you see me more than he does."

"No. I see you only at work."

"Yeah. Five days a week plus the time you overwork me."

"That leaves at least fourteen hours a day."

"I spend at least seven sleeping." He squints at me and I add, "Nope. Don't go there."

"Why are we having this conversation?"

I grin. "I've got no idea."

He groans, scrubbing his face with both his hands, mumbling something about being stupid.

"Hey, hang on," I exclaim. "What about the club?"

Cheng turns a sharp ninety to me. "Seriously? That's what you're concerned about?"

"Yes?" I grin.

"That won't stop." Cheng rolls his eyes.

I laugh pulling him for a hug, followed by a few murderous 'get off me's. "You're fucking unbelievable." He mutters stomping into the kitchen.

"Hey," I call out, following him there after a while. "Was it worth it?"

Cheng looks up from the counter. "I guess so," he replies.

I nod, giving him an encouraging smile, despite the ringing knot in my throat I swallowed down. I guess so too.

All of a sudden my phone rings. An unknown number.

"Mr. Wei," a female voice says when I pick up, "I'm contacting you on behalf of Mr. Lan Qiren. He informs that you can meet Mr. Zhi at a comfortable time for you. If you can confirm a date, I will arrange the meeting."

"Today," I sigh.

Fuck, today. I can't do this any longer.

I didn't really know what I was expecting when I drove over to Lan Corporation, leave aside what I'm going to do after I hear what Qiren has to say

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I didn't really know what I was expecting when I drove over to Lan Corporation, leave aside what I'm going to do after I hear what Qiren has to say. Some force in my brain always changes its direction whenever I think about it. It's like I can't afford to do it. Like I'll go insane the moment I clear up the fog I'm supposed to clear. I guess I am a coward.

"Mr. Lan, Mr. Wei has arrived," the woman who guided me says, knocking on the double doors of an office. The nameplate read the old man's name.

I'm lead into the office where Qiren was, with the peculiar frown of questioning his life's purpose he has whenever he sees me. Next to him was the man in a wheelchair I saw at that party. This is surely welcoming.

Qiren doesn't greet me. Well, I do, and he's forced to acknowledge it because of the guest he had. I must be so out of it to feel so satisfied from such a childish thing.

The Truth That Lies (WangXian Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now