Finding You in a Compromising Position: Kylo Ren

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It had felt like ages since Poe had kidnapped you and you'd found yourself on the same spaceship as Ben.



You had The Force. Or magic, really.

Either way-nuts.

You've been trained to death, almost literally.

The feelings you'd always had for Ben still thumped around in your chest. Not the best case scenario, really. Kind made things more difficult.

Every time you saw his face, your heart would clench. You knew he felt it, a look of concern would fleetingly pass his face, you would play it off as the regular terror you felt on a damn space ship, but it was him.

Little did you know, this drove him freaking nuts. He couldn't get into your head and figure out what was causing this surge of the force to come to you. It was as if you would breathe in all the air in the room in a parsec, stealing even his own.

That could actually be that he loved you, but he would never, ever admit that. The singular secret he hid from all, even himself. He was lucky he could block most mental attacks by Snoke.

He gripped the hilt of his lightsaber as he watched you read over the newest reports from the outer planets, as your assigned position had finally been decided, much to Kylo's chagrin, you were his personal assistant.

And you were a damn good one. You could figure things out quicker than the data techs who had done this most of their lives. Your smarts and your intense force aptitude made you very dangerous. As far as Kylo could tell, you were fine with your predicament.

You had told him how droll your life on Earth had been and how you truly had no one to miss there. This mad a part of him sad, knowing you had no one. That tiny quiet part of him that he hid so well decided he would protect you. Keep you. Be your everything.

You would rule the universe together. You as his Empress. He thought of this most nights. Hiding it away once the artificial lights flickered to daylight.

You had lost yourself in the reports once again, Kylo's patience was wearing thin. He would only be ignored for so long. You were his. Your attention was his.

You felt the hair on the back of your neck stand, you looked up to see Ben staring intently at you. You gave him a confused look and watched as he turned and strode away from you.

You sighed. The temperamental prick. He's beat the crap out of you once you got to training.


Your eyes nearly popped out of your head as you reached for your holopad. Oh shit. You were so late.

You closed out of everything and booked it out of there towards the room that you had to occupy for hours everyday under tortuous conditions for the sake of becoming stronger. Or whatever spiel the koolaid enforcers were pushing.

The door slid open to reveal an empty room, the grey as bland and unassuming as ever. You dropped your bag near the door and went to the middle of the room. Your heart was already going into overdrive.

Ben was not a forgiving man. Especially when he had been made to seem like an idiot. He had Snoke to impress and being left waiting was unforgivable.

"Man, this is so messed up." You muttered to yourself. The whole situation was insane. You were flying around in space. With a boy you had talked to in your head since childhood. You had magic powers that one side of the idiot coin would do anything to have. You didn't really know anything about The Resistance. Everyone here was brainwashed.

You kept those thoughts to yourself.

You heard the door slid open again. You turned to see a masked Ben. Uh oh.

"I'm sorry. I lost track of-"

He held up a gloved hand. Double uh oh.

You waited for the tightening around your throat.

It never came. You swallowed hard.

"It seems you do it understand who you belong to."

You heart lodged itself into your throat. "What?" You whispered, horrified.

He stepped a breath away from you, looking down into your face. "You have no freedom here."

You wanted to throw up. Fear crept up your spine for the first time since being snatched.

Suddenly, the entire ship shook violently. Kylo looked around and finally stared back at you. "Wait here." He turned and left.

You immediately sank to the floor. This wasn't a good thing. A part of you liked the bossy, edgy Kylo Ren side. Never once had it scared you. You always had felt like you were exempt. What an idiot.

You pulled yourself up off the floor and grabbed your things. The ship shook again, harder.

You wiped tears from your eyes and took off down the corridor. You felt something funny, like warmth, pulling you in the opposite direction you had wanted to go.

Making the split second decision to follow it, you prayed it led you somewhere safe.

The feeling grew the farther you went. You had never been to this part of the ship before. It was quiet aside from the alarms that rang through the entire ship.

You ended up in front of a door that immediately opened to your presence. It was dark inside except from a large window that looked out into space.

You walked inside and felt comforted. You thought about the days you'd curl up in bed with a blanket, your book and a nice warm drink. It felt welcoming.

You walked all the way to the window, placing your hands on the lip, and sighed at what you saw. Thousands of stars. Shining and bright.

The ship jerked again, you saw stray beams of light flash past the window, causing you to jump back.

"Why are you here?" Came a deep voice from just behind you. You whirled around immediately.

There stood the man that had brought you to tears only an hour ago. No mask, no gloves, not even a shirt to speak of. Your mouth opened at how beautiful he was. Terrifying, but beautiful.

"I-I felt pulled here...I just wanted to find somewhere" He reached out for you, you jerked back quickly, causing him to narrow his eyes.

"I'm sorry I was late to training...please...please don't..." You started sobbing, just then another hard rock knocked most lights off, the power being diverted to the shields.

Kylo stared at you for a long moment. He stepped closer and lightly touched your trembling chin and looked into your eyes.

"You've never been frightened by me."

Tears ran down your cheeks, he lightly wiped them away. "Let me in."

Something clicked inside you then. It felt like light flashing past your eyes, like you could breathe again.

You heard Kylo gasp as well. His thoughts came rushing at you. You felt yours rushing towards him.

"A Force Connection." You are both laid utterly bare to each other.

You immediately felt hot anger pouring from the man across from you. "That. Was not. Me."

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