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I open the boot of my car. The sun blazes over my red charger as I sigh looking at the house. I throw a heavy bag which was slugged over my shoulder into the boot. I slam the boot shut as memories fill my head. I look down at the ground as oil reaches from the house to my feet.
"Goodbye." I say as I pull out a cigarette. I light my cigarette and toss the lighter onto the oil.
Those are the last things I see as I drive down the road into the. City. The aroma of perfume and snobbish rich people cause the street to smell quite odd.
Once I'm out of the city, I speed down the grass dodging trees, as I encounter a few scratches and dents on my car. I reach to a sudden stop at an empty place. I pull out the cigarette from my mouth and let out some smoke. I don't cough I never do. I've been smoking since 13. I'm used to it now. I open the door of the car in the middle of the woods, down a hill, near a lake. I stand up leaning on my car. The forest is quiet, just the chirping of birds. Suddenly, the birds begin flying, and I know why. Loud punk rock and the roar of an engine surround the forest, the car speeds down, as screams of cheer come from inside the car. The car is a black jeep, two girls wearing mini skirts and white shirts sit out on each window screaming. The car comes to a sudden halt in front of the lake. A man opens the car door as the girls jump out the window. I guess you can say the girls are "beautiful" but not as beautiful as the next girl who gets out. Her brunette hair falling over her shoulders, her high cheek bones, her black punk rock shirt hanging below one shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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