Chapter 36 {One Sky, One Friendship}

Comenzar desde el principio

"Some beef and chicken sandwiches and tea would be nice." Erina ordered as she caught glanced at the menu plastered not far from them. She turned to the rest, "any else you would like to add?"

"Do you have any pasta?" Yumi asked which Clara happily replied. "Well, lucky for you, we have spaghetti and lasagna today." She winked.

Yumi had beamed at that for a moment before returning to her casual monotone face. "Then I'll take one plate of each."

"Sure thing, pumpkin!" Clara wrote it down. "Anything else?" She tilted her head, glancing at those who haven't ordered.

"I'll like spaghetti too!" Avelyn chirped in and Lily murmured, "and lasagna for me." Luckily Clara heard their orders just fine and immediately wrote it down. "And you two?" She smiled at Kathryn and Roselyn.

Kathryn shook her head, "sandwiches are enough for me, thanks." She politely declined. Meanwhile, Roselyn hummed in thought before deciding, "I think I'll go with a plate of lasagna, please."

"Alright then, pumpkins! I'll have your orders after a while." Clara smiled before walking away towards the kitchen.

The girls smiled as they watched Clara walked away. The woman was very kind and welcoming. They wouldn't mind meeting her every day.

Then Avelyn suddenly thought, "I hope Cynthia-sama get well soon..." The brunette's mood turned sullen. Erina who was sitting beside her comforted her. "She just needs a lot of rest and she'll be just fine."

"Okay, enough with the glooms." Kathryn exclaimed. "Now we gotta think of a name for the team. Got any suggestion?" She snapped her fingers.

"Munchy Lunch Time?" Yumi offered making the green-haired girl sighed at her. "Correction, any good suggestion?"

"Special Supreme?" Yumi tried again, which made Lily and Roselyn had to stopped a laugh.

Kathryn looked at the pinkette unimpressed, "okay now you're just being hungry" the green-haired girl rolled her eyes. "Now you don't get to give any suggestion until you get some food"

"Fine by me" Yumi shrugged, couldn't care less. She was more concerned about getting her order. Kathryn sighed at her before turning to the rest. "Any more suggestions?"

"We'll need a name that really represents us..." Roselyn scrunched her nose cutely in thought. "The Friendship Seven?" She asked with a weak confident smile.

"What is this? A six-year-old cartoon show?" Kathryn groaned making the orange-haired girl smiled sheepishly. Though she didn't know what is a carton show, she ignored it.

"How about Team X?" Avelyn grinned excitedly, no longer gloomy. "Doesn't that sound cool?" The brunette shook her fists in excitement.

"No, we can't wanna what get copyright strike..." Kathryn immediately rejected it though she whispered the last bit. "...even though it was from an old wolverine movie..."

"Then how about Mystic? Team Mystic?" Erina smiled which Kathryn raised a brow at her. "You're sticking close to home, aren't ya?"

The pale blonde girl giggled at her comment. "Who knows~"

The green-haired groaned into her palm. None of them is taking this seriously. Then she noticed that Lily was sitting there, all quiet. "Lily?" Kathryn glanced at the white-haired girl. "Got any idea?"

She had flinched when all eyes were now on her. "I-I got one but..." Lily gulped. "I don't know. It's nothing..."

Roselyn patted the girl on the shoulder, "it's alright! It couldn't be any worse than ours" the orange-haired girl shared a giggle with the rest.

𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚆𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐: 𝙾𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora