Plane crash pt3

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Jesy pov
We were all doing ok at this point we were just waiting in perries room until she could get discharged. That should happen in about 2 hours.

I couldn't help but think why only we survived it was just to weird to me. Yes we were at the back but the crash was serious how are we not even more hurt.

I mean I was in a lot of pain but I had no serious injuries just a lot of cuts and bruises and some other things same with Leigh and jade.

However Perrie was far worse. She had a broken arm, a concussion, she had a few broken ribs, a dislocated knee well not now but it's still badly injured and other injuries. I'm glad she's okay though I don't know what I would have done without her.

Leigh pov
A doctor came in saying that we could now leave because Perrie could breathe better and her arm was now in a cast. Unfortunately, it was above the elbow so she couldn't do much.

We got her into a wheelchair and decided we should push her seeing as her arm was in a cast. Between us we decided it was best to go to my house because it was the biggest and we wanted to stay together because we all traumatised especially Perrie.

"Pez can you walk over to the sofa or do you need to be wheeled to it" I ask.
"I think I can if I need to I can hobble over to it, it's not broken" she replies to me whilst standing up.
"Ok" I smile.

Perrie successfully gets on the sofa whilst we go to join her.

Jade starts to laugh at herself in a kind of sad way
"What's wrong babe" jesy asks her.
"I was going to ask if we could watch manifest but then realised it probably isn't the best idea"
"How come" Perrie says.
"Because it's about a plane that goes missing for 5 and a half years, however the passengers return the same age and in reality to them they just experienced turbulence for a few seconds then it stopped" she tells us.
"Well it sounds interesting maybe another time" I say.
"How about we watch lucifer I love that show" Perrie quietly tells us.
We all agree

Jade pov
I have to admit lucifer is a really good show we decided to watch it from season 1 even though Perrie has already watched all of it.

My favourite character would probably have to be maze even though I love all of them. Trixie is adorable though and Chloe is so cool. All the characters are.

I check the time and realise it's quite late and I decided we should probably go to sleep.

"Hey girls it's late we should probably go to sleep now, Perrie would you like me to carry you"
"I think I will be ok it doesn't hurt to bad it's just my head arms and ribs really"
"Wouldn't walking hurt your ribs?" Jesy asks
"I mean yeah but I need to be independent otherwise I never will be".

She's right I think to myself. If she doesn't do stuff for herself she will become to reliant and then she will not be able to do anything for herself.

We decide to share a bedroom tonight but agree that we will use separate rooms after. We all snuggle up mindful of places we know raconteur are in pain.
We then fall asleep.

Next day
It was the next day and Perrie was quite emotional I decided to go check on her to see if she was doing ok.

Perrie pov
I was really upset this morning everything that happened to us yesterday just came flooding in. I was upset about everyone else apart from us being dead. I was in pain and was traumatised.

I felt like people would blame us for the crash because we are celebrities and people always find a way to blame us for stuff. It also looked really suspicious how only we survived.

I silently cried until I heard a knock at the bathroom door.
"Can I come in" jade asks.

She comes in and sits next to me I lean my body into hers. We stay silent for a while until she asks.
"What's wrong you can tell me"
"This whole situation sucks"
"I know it does but it will be ok, we'll be ok"
"Also the media and the public shay are they going to think about it, it looks like we did it because everyone else died"
"Don't think like that we know what's true and anyone who knows us will know we would never do that"
"Yeah but people that don't know us wouldn't they will hate us"

Jade gently picks me up of the floor and takes me in the room she is using. She lies me on the bed and just cuddles me and tells me to sleep. So I did.

Jade pov
What Perrie was saying made sense but I didn't want to stress her out any more than she already seemed. So I decided to just let her sleep.

I went downstairs and saw jesy and Leigh, they were making breakfast. After half an hour I decided to get Perrie something to eat and wake her up.

"Hey pez I got you something to eat"
"Thanks jadey"
Whilst she was eating I went on my phone and all I could see was about the plane crash and we kept being mentioned.

"What's wrong"
"Nothing really pez just news about the crash and us being mentioned" i tell her with a sigh.
"I knew it would be everywhere I'm just going to try not to think about it"
"Ok, I'm going downstairs, you can join, if you want"

We both head downstairs and decide to watch some lucifer. Soon jesy and Leigh joined in and we all watched it together.

Leigh pov
It was coming around dinner time now and I decided I would make us some burgers and chips and some coke. I wanted us to have something nice together because we deserved it we've had a rough time.

Half an hour later I was finished and went over to give the food to the girls they all gave me greatful looks. We decided to Stay on the sofa because it was more comfortable then sitting on chairs. Because that would be painful.

We ate and stayed there until once again it was time for bed and we each went to a separate bedroom and said good night to each other.

I was just so grateful we were all ok and alive. Even though it was tough about the assumptions that were being made about us online. We just talked about it together. Because we know talking always helps and makes us feel better.

Jesy pov
I was now in one of Leigh's rooms trying to go to sleep. It's been a tough two days but having the girls there made me feel better. They always do I read a book for a bit then decided to sleep.

Perrie pov
I went on my phone for a while and went on YouTube to try ignore the news about the crash even though it still came up it was the best app to use after an hour I decided to fall asleep.

Jade pov
I did some reading before I decided to fall asleep and as well as that I also wrote a song about how I felt and our experience. I really wanted it to make it on our album we are working on because it's a strong message and hopefully people would understand what we went through. It also made me feel better. When I finished that I went to sleep.

No ones pov
All the girls were now asleep and the quietness of the night took over. The girls had all had a tough two days but being with each other made them feel a lot better and happier.

This might be the last of two plane crash unless you have some suggestions. Because I kind of rounded it off.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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