Plane crash pt 2

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Jade pov
As the medical people came and checked everyone I just sat silently at the back. I thought how it wasn't fair that everyone had to go through this.

I started to hear whispering and a "they are all dead apart from those girls" I panicked and wanted out of the plane immediately being surrounded by a bunch of dead bodies made me uncomfortable.

I was in a lot of pain but had no major injuries I decided to go check on the girls again.

"Hey girls how are you guys"
"I'm ok in pain but ok". Jesy replies
"Yeah same". Leigh says
"I'm not that great I'm in serious pain and I still can't breathe very well". Perrie told me it came out more of a whisper though.

The medical staff then came over to us. "Hey girls are you all ok"
"Me leigh and jesy are but Perrie is quite bad can you please check her over"
"Sure". She says smiling

Perrie pov
I was in so much pain it hurt to breathe. It felt like my arm was broken. My back hurt bad and so did my chest. My head also really hurt I think I have a concussion.

As they check over me they come to the conclusion that I need to go to hospital to get checked out properly.

I cried at this I didn't want to see all the dead bodies. "Please Can I close my eyes I don't want to see all the dead bodies"
"That's fine"
"I'll carry you babe" Jesy says
"Thanks Jess"

Skip to hospital

So I have a concussion a broken arm and currently on oxygen. The girls are currently sitting in my room chatting to each other whilst I just lay there and think.

"You okay baba" jade asks
"No why are we the only ones that lived it doesn't make sense how come everyone else died"
"Your right it doesn't make sense it's actually really weird, I don't know I'm sorry"

I started to cry and jade just comforted me as we silently cried together.

Thanks for reading I may make another part to this sorry it's been so long :)

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