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Both Akko and Diana slept in just their underwear. Nothing else. They cuddle tightly and smile at eachother.
They get changed for class. With eachother. But Akko suddenly feels sick and she runs to the bathroom.
"A- Akko, are you okay?" Diana asks worriedly.
"I don't think so.. I feel sick and I have bad tummyache.."
"You stay here, you can skip class if you want to, I will say why you aren't there."
Akko replies, "If you're definitely okay with that.."
Diana nods and walks out the room, then smiled back at Akko. She was lying in Diana's bed. And then she thought of what could really be happening...
She had to get to town. To see if that was definitely possible. Worries fill her head as she could be pregnant. What will Diana say if it's positive? She will ask how...
She sneaked out of the bedroom. Quietly because Professor Ursula was in her dormitory and she had to walk past there to exit the building. Not like she could fly - if she could, she would easily just fly out the window. Simple as that. Yet she can't, and sorry to her.

Akko x Andrew - love story Where stories live. Discover now