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Half an hour later after walking around and memorising the place, they discovered a huge hall. Piles of boys lay here and they were all playing a game of some sort. It was cards. But this game didn't look normal. Not normal games of cards. Or was it? She wasn't completely sure from the distance but it didn't seem normal. She stepped closer and realised something. A boy. She knew from the back of his head who it was. It was the boy from earlier. The blonde one. He was sitting at a table facing two others. Something wasn't right about it though. She looked around, for clues. And no...
It was obvious that he was cheating. Against his own friends. No wonder he always won every game.
She had to confront him. She couldn't let that happen without telling anyone. The boy looks behind him, a shadow looming over him from the back. Amanda.
"You, blonde one. Why cheat in a game against your own friends. I know it's none of my business but you've been caught." His opponents gasp in realisation.
"Why would you do that!" one says.
"Yeah, brutal!" the other one says.
"I- I- ummm" He stutters, nothing to say. The other boys leave the table and leaves him behind. He had no right to get away with it. Exposed.

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