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Y/n cried herself to sleep that night. At around 11, Sana and Momo used the spare key to unlock Y/n's room since it had been quiet for the past 3 hours. They found her asleep, so they changed her clothes for her, and tucked her in.

That next morning, there was a knock on the door. Jihyo went to answer it "Oh...uh Dahyun?"

Dub: "Hi..Jihyo unnie. I'm sure Y/n told you what happened. And I understand if you guys don't want me around anymore, I know she doesn't. But can you give her this, and these?"

Dahyun handed Y/n a note, and some flowers before walking back to her house. Jihyo sighed as she walked up the stairs and into Y/n's room. She was sitting there just reflecting on life.

Y/n: "What."

Jihyo: "She dropped these off and asked me to give these to you"

Y/n: "Why so she can tell me she's gonna be going to be with that bitch"

Jihyo: "Hey!...Don't take out on me"

Y/n: "Sorry, leave it on my desk. Oh and I'm going out today"

Jihyo: "Where?"

Y/n: "Nowhere specific. I'm just gonna bike until I feel tired"

Jihyo nodded, put the letter and flowers down, and left her room. Y/n looked at the gifts...she sighed as she opened up the letter.

Dear Kim Y/n (My lovely Girlfriend),

I'm sorry. But a sorry is not enough and I know. I know I hurt you, I know I broke your trust, I know you hate me, I know you never want to see me again. I just hope you know that I am truly and will forever be sorry.

Chaeyoung and Tzuyu aren't talking to me right now. Well not much, they scold me every chance they get. And they are right, I did screw up, BIG TIME. Chaeyoung also punched Pinky, and she deserved it. But I also deserve to be as well.

So I'll apologize everyday, and I'll be here waiting. Waiting for the day, that I can be back in your life, no matter how it is, I just want to be there.

I don't know what you saw or heard. But no you are not being over dramatic, you're not overthinking. It happened, and I'm so stupid for letting it happen. I don't care that I've known her since we were little, I don't care that she is here. I just care that I know you, and that I'm happy with you. She means nothing and is nothing. You mean my world.

I love you, and just remember...You're my sunshine

-Kim Dahyun (A sorry girlfriend)

Y/n sighed as she closed the letter...she crumbled it up and threw it in the trash, but then took it out and threw it in her desk drawer. She took the flowers and took them outside in the backyard and threw them into the fence.

Mina walked out "Dude"

Y/n: "What?!"

Mina: "You need to take your anger out, there's the tree and here's a bat. A brand new metal baseball bat. Have at it. But what you don't do, is take the attitude out on us, got it?"

Y/n: "Jihyo told you?"

Mina: "Yeah, and this helped me when I got mad. So go on, scream, yell, cry, hit the tree. Don't go fighting anyone, or show anymore attitude to the people who are here for you"

Y/n: "Yes ma'am"

Mina walked inside, Y/n picked up the bat and looked at the tree. She swung it hard, she felt herself getting more angry as she thought about it...and kept swinging as hard as she could.

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