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Y/n was sitting nervously on her bed after she finished her assignment. She couldn't help but think she was in huge trouble.

Meanwhile Nayeon was sitting on the couch "I'm gonna ground her, I'm just letting her think I'm choosing"

Mina: "We're you serious when you told her she gonna take a trip over you knee the next time she does something bad"

Nay: "Yes, and I mean it. She knows, and she trusts me. She told me"

Momo: "Nay, she know"

Nay: "I know, but like how I said, she agreed as trusts me. I would never break that trust. You all know that"

Jeong: "You're right, so you probably go tell her"

Nay: "Oh yea, forgot for an split second"

Nayeon slowly walked up the stairs into Y/n's room, Y/n looked up and backed up on her bed.

Nay: "Y/n, come sit here. At the edge"

Y/n slowly but surely moved back up, and sat at the edge. Nayeon walked over and squatted down, putting her hands on Y/n's hands.

Nay: "You're gonna be grounded, this week, from today to Friday. But just know that I still won't put off the other thing"

Y/n: "I'm sorry"

Nay: "I know you are, but Y/n please try. You're so smart, you will do so great, if you just put your mind to it"

Y/n: "Yes ma'am"

Nay: "I'm not saying, give everything up to do all the work and make sure you have all straight A's and that. No, be a kid, have fun. Try your best and if you get a C or if you failed, but you tried, that's all that matters"

Y/n: "Okay, I understand"

Nay: "Good, can I get a hug"

Y/n and Nayeon hug, Nayeon left her room, and Y/n went back to sitting outside the window. There was something about the sky that intrigued her.

She was kid of glad the windows opened up old fashioned. It opened to the outside, so she was able to sit with her feet hanging outside.

She looked up, this one star was like the brightest in the sky. She's noticed it since her mom died, so she would think that it's her mom.

Y/n: "Mom, I haven't talked to you in a while. But I'm doing fine, a lot better. You evil husband is in jail apparently, I live with my sisters. I never told you but I also found out you named each animal in the story after them.

You wanted me to know them, even if they didn't know me. Also my birth dad isn't nice. He hurts my sisters, but I don't think he's coming back. That's fine, right?

I wish you were still here, but you are here. Watching over me, my sisters, even the dogs. They're on my bed, I didn't want them falling out my window. Can't you give me a sign... please?"

Y/n saw the star blink, and a small gush of wind blew...

Y/n looked up "I knew it, you are here. I need to get ready for bed. I can't watch TV, I got grounded"

Y/n carefully got inside her room, and started her routine for getting ready for bed.

She showered, brushed her teeth, got dressed, and said goodnight to everyone. She went to sleep, and she started dreaming.

She was lost...

Y/n: "Hello? Anyone"

A Baby Dino walked up "Rawr...Hi"

We'll get through it togetherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora