The boy on the left wondered about the full moon, what it's significance was to the other.

"Him," I stared harder.

I kept my distance, I don't think they ever knew I was behind them. As we walked towards the school I made my way to the principals office.

"Goodmorning," the woman said, "how can we help you?"

"Kira Delta," I stated while looking around, "today's my first day."

"Oh yes!" She shrieked in excitement, "Bedburg High is happy and excited to welcome you! Here are some papers that need to be filled out and brought back. You can do them now and go to classes later or you can take them home and bring them back tomorrow. It's up to you. I'm going to get Jessica so she can show you around. Here sit at that table," she pointed, "and I'll be back."

I grabbed my bag and set it on the ground, running my fingers through my hair, "is everybody here this loud in the morning?"

I grabbed a pen and started filling out the papers the woman gave me. Before finishing the first one the woman and another girl walked up.

"Jessica this is Kira, Kira this is Jessica. Jessica is a junior like you! She's going to show you around and give you a tour of the school. Afterwards it'll probably be time for lunch and then you can start in on your classes."

I grabbed my bag and stood, "nice to meet you."

We walked out of the office and into the hallways where globs of kids stood all over. Some were quiet, some were obnoxiously loud, and others ... well, they just looked dead inside. I don't blame them.

"Don't mind Mrs. Jeffers," Jessica said, "she can be annoyingly loud sometimes but she means well. She's really understanding and really up to date with everything that goes on here in Bedburg. She's the guidance counselor, best one the school has really seen.. ever."

"How many have you had?" I asked

"Too many," she giggled, "not everyone can handle it here. There's a lot of shit that happens and goes on behind the scenes.

We continued to walk through the halls. We got downstairs and I looked around, noticing two familiar figures.

"Jessica," I tapped her shoulder, "who are they?"

"The two boys?" She questioned looking at me, "I'm pretty sure the ones name is Alex. The other boy, the taller and more muscular one, that's Jace. I wouldn't get involved with him. He's a bunch of trouble. He is always skipping classes, coming to school with bruises and cuts, all sorts of shit and you, YOU can do better."

"Bruises and cuts?" I questioned, "like he gets into fights or something?"

We walked past them, "girl do you do any sports? Smoke weed? Go to parties? Anything?"

"We went from sports to weed," I started to laugh, "umm I mean, I do smoke. I have to hide it but I do sometimes. I used to play soccer, but that was before I moved. I've never been to any parties unless they were birthday parties as a kid or like some holiday shit."

"We have to hangout!" She grabbed my hand, "I don't have many friends. I really keep to myself but for some reason I'm just really feeling your vibe. You should come over after school and hangout!"

"I would but I can't tonight," I smiled while shaking my head, "me and John, step dad, are going to dinner."

"Oh no worries!" She laughed, "always next time. This is your locker and this room right here is your home room, you come here every morning, first thing."

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