Chapter 5

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Sarvant Pov,

Sarvant yawned in straight boredom, Wanting to due something.. That might Also cause drama But nothing was coming to mind, Ugh Im So bored.... She then walked passed Ruv Room, Then got the impression teasing him Today. She chuckles a little While unlocking the door bursting in.

"Why'd good morning handsome~ What are you'll up to today?"

I tried using mine Charming elegant voice to get his attention,

"Anything that doesn't involve you..."

His word shots at me like knifes, Telling me to basically fuck off, Wanting to be alone an all that crap... Well guess what Ruv... IM BORED And if I can't enjoy myself Then Nobody can including you'll, I'd get that he doesn't like me n all, But he can atleast Act like you'll care sometime.. Probably why y/n left him in the first place, He the annoying one not her Mine face then scribble up wanted to take a quick peeked at what he was doing, So I'll jumped on top of him playful in bed making him drop something, I quickly grabbed it while keeping Ruv pin on the bed, He struggle though but couldn't escape mine grasps.

"Now what is this, Don't tell me you stolen y/n phone... Its kinda creepy, She might even think you're a stalker too.
Or better yet, A weirdo!"

I started to tease him, He face was red from the an embarrassment trying to snatch the phone away from me.

"Sarvant stopped acting like a brat,
And give me back her phone!"

He yelped,


I said playfully, As the argument went on for least an minute or two Suddenly the phone started to Ring As we both took a moment of silence before actually getting terrifies, I then quickly throw Ruv the phone... As he throw it back to me,

"I can't answer that! What if it's Y/n actually looking for her phone, She might thinks Im weird.. Or better yet, a creepy stalker, The truth Is that I Just don't wanted her to disappear on me again.. Because I... -I'll love Her so much- That'll It Pains me, Somewhere in mine Heart.. B-because She's with someone else... And She didn't tell me...."

He said, While we was basically playing hot potato throwing the phone back and forth at Each-other, I then stopped knowing what I'll said to him earlier might've really hurting his feeling, Even though he's doesn't alway seems to care much about it.. I realize that He have a Heart too, Well.. at least somewhere, I'll then hang up the phone then Sigh... While Giving him a hug,

"I'll didn't know... That how you'll felted toward her..."
I'll didn't want him to goes through anymore pain Because me..

"For now on, I'll tried to Act more mature.. And maybe stopped teasing you'll,

So I'll wouldn't has to see you'll in pain anymore.."

He started to stared at me,
While I'll Smile finally confronting him seriously. I'll then walked over to the door, While throwing the phone right back at him Making him catch it.
While I'll walked out the door making it close behind me.. 'Sigh'
Heh I'd Guess some people can really change... Y/n... You're a lucky one..


Y/n Pov,

A couple weeks passes by, While school was finally coming to an end.. It was finally spring break! I'll Sigh in relief, Thankfully I'll passes all mine class exam, I'll then chuckle to myself while walking out of the school and stopping for a Split Second now spotting Ruv waiting on me, He faced me for a second while coming up to me.. I stare at him, As He just places his hand on mine head fizzling it all up.

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