9~ I Need U

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Jungkook POV

It's been a couple months since I last saw Yoora at the fansign.

There hasn't been a day where I haven't been thinking about her.

Even in those 2 years.

Lately I haven't considered myself a man, because of all the things I have said and done.

But I've learned that being a man; being human doesn't mean that you'll live a perfect life, but it does mean that you will learn along the way.

And I've been learning alright.

The boys have kinda eased down on mocking and scolding me, probably because I've changed.

Yeah, I know what your thinking, 'Jungkook? Change? Nah'

To be honest I'm still doubting myself.

But with all of the advice I've gotten from my fellow members, hopefully I'll blossom even more into the, 'new me'.

I just hope that I'll still have a chance.

Shin Yoora (Y/N) POV

As weird as it sounds, I think I love him.

That car ride from the lake; I'll never forget it.

We just talked, and talked, and got to know each other even better.

We ended up exchanging numbers.

One thing led to another, and we moved in together.

This has been the happiest I've ever been in my entire life.

Excluding that one day with Jungkook, my last day with Jungkook...when we went out to dinner.

Yejun cooks for me, talks to me, gives me attention, and actually has a nice personality.

By actually, I mean that I thought he was a killer or something the first time I met him.

I remember the day that I told him that he needed to work on his pick-up lines.

He ended up not taking it like I thought he would.

I've just been sitting on the couch, counting the days at this point.

I've also been watching the news; something I thought I would never do.

I think we may be investing in a new house soon.

For reasons he won't tell me.

I have noticed that he is really kind, and sweet, and does things for me like buy me flowers every once in a while, or buy my favorite drink from the store. And every time he does, I start to like him even more.

Right now, I believe that he just got out the shower, which is understandable; not too long ago he barged in here just reeking.

And it's past midnight.

Usually after he showers, he makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with extra jelly, and a spoonful of dried bananas, with his bread cut into triangles.

That reminds me, I should probably make him one before he comes in here, to surprise him.

Yejun and I have been dating for almost 2 months now.

I can tell that he feels the same way.

Author POV

Yejun enters the living room to see Yoora daydreaming on the couch.

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