11. Thirdset

305 18 15

"Um.. Mum?"

"Yes, Eddy?"

"I also have something to tell you."


"I... I'm in love with Brett."

"..I beg your pardon?"


Eddy looked up towards the ceiling in an attempt not to spill his tears.

"I'm in love with Brett."

"Brett.... so.. this is the violinist? The other twin? Edwina's Brad's brother?"


Eddy was so scared, he started to quiver.  Edwina who was sitting next to him grabbed his hand under the table.  Thier mother remained to look stunned.

"Oh... I didn't know he was... or you were.... Oh. Um.. well, that's.. nice..too."

Eddy looked at his mother. Tears fell.

"...it is !?"

"Does he love you back?"

Eddy looked straight at his mother as he replied.


Eddy's mum smiled back at her son.

"Oh.. well that's wonderful then. I'm happy for you."

"You are..?? Really??"

His mother smiled.

"Yes, really Eddy. Oh my goodness you should've told me. All this time I've been wasting my time looking for girls for you when I could've focused on looking for boys for the both of you."

"So you're not cross or disappointed or..."

"Eddy... I love you no matter what. So long as you can be happy without hurting anyone. I'm proud of you and happy for you."

"Mum.. I'm planning to move down to Sydney and move in with Brett..."

"Oh. Well I'll miss you a bit then won't I.. but you've always been flying around everywhere on tour anyway. I do hope you and Brett visit Brisbane frequently.. after all, you two will have your twins up here."

"Yes Mum, I promise, I will. I'm sure Brett will as well. Thanks Mum...!!"

Eddy scrambled out of his chair and stepped over to his mother to give her a hug.  He then turned around and darted toward his sister.  As he embraced her, he whispered;

"Thank you, Ween..."

Edwina hugged her brother back.

"So... happy for you, Dee."

Brett waved into his screen as the Facetime call from Eddy connected.

"Hey Eddy, how's Brissie?"

Eddy waved back. Brett could not help notice Eddy's radiant smile.

"All good Brett. I hope it's not too cold in Sydney."

"So... I take it that all went well, Eddy?"

Eddy was now grinning ear to ear.

"Yeah... I can't believe it.. I never thought it could go so well..."

"I'm so glad Eddy."

Brett smiled into his phone.

"So, Brett. how did you go ?"

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