9. Twoset BAE II

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Eddy woke up. He noticed the presence of another person with him in his bed and smiled.

Oh yeah, that's right..

Eddy knew what he liked in life; his music, his family and his friends... and he's been looking for quite some time for that special someone. His twin sister Edwina had known about Eddy's partner preferences for quite some time. Eddy didn't have to tell her, she just instinctively knew. Eddy almost died when Edwina mentioned it as if she stated that the sky was blue. His sister reassured him that he didn't make it look obvious to others and their mother didn't know, evident from her futile attempts to find female dates for her son.

Eddy was a very private person and was not open about most aspects of his life to people around him, especially when it came to his partners. As a soloist, he was known in his professional industry and he didn't want to be associated with any gossip. So he was very cautious and discreet about dating people. He was particularly cautious about seeing fellow musicians as he didn't want complications within his professional circle, so while he was very attracted to Brett at first sight, he tried to keep things light and breezy – just a casual dinner together. As the night developed though he couldn't help himself as he really liked what he saw in front of him.

InTeReStInGlY, the Chen twins had similar tastes in what they found visually attractive. Therefore it was a dead giveaway between Edwina and Eddy that they were smitten by the Yang twins. Eddy always said he would like to be with someone with some musicality as it was such a large part of him. Edwina on the other hand couldn't care less whether her partner could hold a tune. Luckily the Chen and Yang twins matched up ideally.

"...Good morning Eddy"

Eddy looked to his side and noticed Brett had his eyes opened. Eddy gave a shy smile.

"Hey, you slept well?"

"Um yeah. Must have been knackered."

Eddy blushed and bit his lower lip.

"Um.. yeah? Um.. sorry."

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"Why sorry?"


Brett moved closer and rested his head on Eddy's lap.



"Don't be sorry."




"Make me knackered again."


Eddy's eyes opened wide. Brett shyly added;


Edwina woke up. She sat up in bed and stretched.

She then wondered why she was alone in her hotel bed. She nervously bit her lower lip.

Last night Edwina and Brad practically tore each other's clothes off. Instead of finding a pile of clothes on the floor, Edwina's dress had been picked up and was draped over a chair. Brad's clothes were gone.

He... Brad left..??

Feeling disappointed was an understatement. She blinked several times as she shook her head in frustration as she stepped out of bed, grabbed the hotel bathrobe and got her phone... it would've still been in her handbag which she remembered dropping to the floor as she entered her hotel room last night. Her handbag had also been picked up and placed on the chair. She took out her phone and checked her messages. She had not even exchanged phone numbers with Brad yet. There was one text from her mother which had asked what time she wanted to go shopping today. She texted her back saying she didn't feel too well and wanted to sleep in and rest. She then rang her brother. It took a lot of rings before he finally answered.



The tone of her voice must have given away that she was not happy.

"OMG, Ween, what happened?"

".. I woke up and he's ..gone."

"Oh f*ck I'm so sorry.. didn't think he was the type.."

Edwina sniffled as she tried to blink away her tears.

"So how are you and Brett going?"

"Um... g, good..."

"OMG I'm sorry, I'll leave you two to it."


"Dee.. I can tell from the tone of your voice, too y'know... I'm sorry... um.. have fun.."

"OMG Ween whaddyamean you can tell from the tone of my voi..."

That's when Edwina heard the lock of her room click. The door opened and Edwina could smell coffee. And Brad entered the room, holding a cardboard tray with two coffee cups.

"Good morning, Edwina, did you get my note? I got coffee."


"On the bedside table...."

Edwina whipped her head around towards the bedside table and sure enough, found a note written on the hotel's stationery;

Gone to get coffee. Be back soon. B


"Y, yeah..!?"

"Nevermind. He got me coffee. All is good. Gotta go."

Eddy marvelled at how her key completely changed as his sister hung up on him.  Now he got what it meant when she said she could tell from the tone of his voice.

Brett, with his head on Eddy's lap looked up and asked;

"Eddy? What was all that about?"

Twoset Peasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें