4. Brett or Brad?

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Meanwhile, just across of street from where Brett and Eddy were, was the café where Brett's twin brother Brad worked...

"Hello Brad, wasn't it? We've come for the best coffee in Sydney."

"Hello Mrs Chen, hey Edwina, nice to see you two again. Yes, you have definitely come to the right place!!"

Brad came around from behind the counter to greet them and showed them to a table. He then took their coffee orders.

"Okay, I'll be back with your coffees in a bit, won't be long."

As Brad smiled and walked away, Edwina's mum leaned towards her daughter and whispered.

"Such a lovely young man with lovely manners. So, which one would you prefer Edwina? The violinist or this one?"

Edwina shook her head in disbelief as she replied.

"OMG Mum you can't just pick like that."

"Why not? Which one are you more attracted to?"

Edwina hissed.

"Oh for goodness sake, Mum, I don't know, I know nothing about them...!!"

"Of course you do. One's a musician and the other is in hospitality, so which one? I suppose Eddy got the lion's share of the musicality between you two, so by the process of elimination, perhaps the gentleman in hospitality would suit you better..."

Edwina rolled her eyes and started to plead.

"OMG mum, please..."

"Goodness me, how I wished those twins were also a boy-girl twin like you two. Just imagine for a second Edwina, if that lovely violinist was a girl, she would've been perfect for Eddy, don't you think ?"

Edwina gritted through her teeth;


"Honestly, they both seem like very nice boys. Nice looking boys, too.  Very handsome.  I like men with strong eyes... shows they have a backbone, don't you think? And that gentleman that brought us the coffees....his eyes were kind too... Yes I know they are both a bit on the shorter side, Eddy looked very tall standing next to that violinist and even you're taller than them, aren't you?  Oh well, so you just don't wear heels when you go on dates, yes ?  So that solves that problem and your tall genes would work in your favour in order to compensate and even things out when you have children..."

Edwina's mother was unstoppable.

"OMG Mum will you please STOP."

Edwina was so embarrassed, she had tears in her eyes out of frustration when Brad arrived with their coffees.

"Here are your coffees... hey, Edwina, are you feeling okay?"

Edwina blushed as she quickly blinked away the tears. She tried to smile as she looked up towards Brad.

"Um, yes, I'm fine.. I guess I'm a bit tired. Thank you for the coffees."

Brad smiled back.

"Hope the coffee helps.  These are on the house. From me, okay?"

Edwina looked surprised.

"Oh we can't let you do that."

Brad grinned.

"Oh but I just did. Hope you enjoy them."

Brad smiled and stepped away. Edwina's mother leaned into her daughter again with a cheeky grin and whispered.

"See Edwina, oh he is such a sweetheart. I think you should pick him."

"MOTHER !!!"

Brad returned to the table where Edwina and her mum were.

"Hi, is everything okay? Would you like to order anything else?"

Edwina politely replied.

"Hi Brad, yes everything is fine, the coffee was great thank you. We're good for now."

"So Brad, Edwina and I are going to the concert tonight, would you like to join us?"

"Oh, yes, sure, I'd like that. I never listened to Eddy Chen before and I haven't listened to my brother play properly in a while."


"Well, I usually have to endure listening to him practice at home, when he plays the same part over and over and over... it's a bit different from listening to a complete piece of work in a concert hall which is much nicer."

"Great, so you will join us? I'll call my son's manager to get us an extra ticket to sit with us."

"Oh wow, thank you, that would be great."

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