Music Like April

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Spring comes in  the month of April
But why are you looking so frail?
When you know that flowers bloom
And its colors shines like the moon

You, the one who opened my eyes
The one who made me realize
That my monochrome world that hasn't tainted
Can still be changed and forever painted

You brought music back to my life once more
Music like the spring in April that I always adore
Each note I feel, each note I play
It's like never ending, always day by day

When I saw you lying in the hospital bed
My colored world had once again bled
Even though you'd smile, I can tell you're lying
With that frail skin of yours, I can tell you dying

And now, once more, I'd again lose someone
And the notes are disappearing one by one
I can't feel them, I can't hear them
Is it because you'd go away?

No, its not that, it was just because
You said something I can't hear that day
Those words I can't remember
What was it? I don't get it

The day came that you died
And in my monochrome world again I'll hide
Again I'll stop playing music
Cause the notes just disappeared like no one's business

But when I looked at the Cherry blossom tree
I remembered those words you said to me
That even though you'll leave this world of art
You can still be forever in my heart

Music is freedom, no need to hide it
It should be heard to those who need it
Now I'll go out on a journey at still
Cause I can play music now

Music Like April

-Truly yours :)

(inspiration: Your Lie in April)

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