Cole was finally able to join us, sliding down the rope and saw what we were looking at, "Huh. Didn't Momma Snake ever tell them not to draw on the walls?" He asked jokingly.

"Believe me, there's more to it.." (name) uttered, knowingly. Cole just raised a brow.

"These images describe a legend about one tribe uniting them all," I elaborated.

He shrugged. "Those snakes had been at war with each other for centuries."

"Well, it's says here, once they unite, they can find the four Sliver Fang Blades that will unleash the Great Devourer. An evil that will consume all the land, turning day into night," I finished.

"You get all that from those little pictures?-"

"We're leaving." Said (name), pushing through Cole and I to get to the rope.

"Woah, kid, what's the rush?"

"No, I agree." I turn to Cole, "this gives me deep concern. If Pythor's not here, and unites all the tribes together before Kai and Jay find him--"

"Relax, Zane. They're a bunch of dumb snake who believe in fairy tales. If anything, we've got all the-- Did you feel that?" He stops mid-sentence. "There's something in the ground.."

(Name) gave a sharp gasp and turns back to look at us, "-WATCH OUT!"

On cue, the general of the Constrictai had popped up from the ground, trapping me with it's tail. "I've been waiting for you." He chuckled, "Pythor sends his regardss."

"Did you only stay back to tell us that? Pathetic!" I shot at him.

"Look who'ss calling who pathetic, Pinky~"

"HEY! Only I call him 'Pinky'!"

- You -

Cole draws out his Golden Scythe, thrusting it into the ground. The general let Zane go and Cole tells him to climb up the rope with me, then was quickly pulled into the ground and spouted back up. The black ninja pulls out the flute Wu gave him and blew the iconic tune, but the general had grabbed him by the throat and did everything in his power to close his air wave. Zane went to help and was about to play the flute, but the general had him in a chokehold.

I finally took action, "Ninja-GO!" My spinjitzu was "unfairly" maxed. I spun at a faster pace, practically zipping through the naked eye. In a snap, I kicked the general off his balance, losing his tail grip on Cole and dropping Zane. The white ninja took the chance, taking in his breath and played the flute once more. The general growled in pain as Cole knocked him out with his scythe.

"Good one." Zane huffed, still trying to reclaim his breathing.

Cole thanks him,"but he was expecting us, I think Kai and Jay are walking into a trap!"

"Then let's get a move on!" I added, and the three of us are out of there.

- Jay -

As Kai and I were on our way to the Venomari tomb, we were having quite the conversation. It was mostly about me teasing Kai for getting pinned by a kid. Oh, the look on his face!

"It isn't that funny, Jay." He groans.

I snickered, "well, you should've kept your mouth shut, dude. Haha..But, for real though, that (name) kid is pretty scary. Like-- did you see how mad she was earlier today?"


"Hey, what's on your mind?"

Kai takes a second, and he answers, "It's her..just her. The way she fights and the way she acts..its so weird for a kid her age."

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