Gabriel smirked. "She's still loud... Oww!" He rubbed his side where Hope elbowed him.

With a chuckle, Celeste asked, "Where is Faith? Is she here?"

A wave of grief welled up within Gabriel, crashing against his heart. Not able to form the words to respond, he turned to his sister.

Hope's chin quivered while her eyes narrowed to slits, as much anger in her expression as grief. Her voice cut. "They killed her."

A sharp gasp came from Celeste's lips. "Oh, no, no..." Water glistened her eyes and she buried her head into Gabriel's chest, trembling.

Lifting her head, Celeste wiped tears across her dusty face, creating thin smears of mud. She returned to Moon, cupping his cheek again and whispering something in his ear. She gazed up at the medical monitoring data. "Your father will be asleep for a while." Turning back to Gabriel and Hope, she said in a solemn voice, "Tell me everything."


After a few hours, Moon's eyelids fluttered against the bright light, and a faint moan left his lips.

Celeste gazed down at him, one eyebrow lifted. "First time to take a stun pulse?"

He murmured. "No. But it has been a long time." Snapping his head around, he glared at Celeste. "Why the hell did you shoot me?"

She raised her voice, flinging her hands out. "I couldn't tell who you were with that helmet on, and you were pointing a gun at me. I am still wanted by the Commonwealth!"

Hope came forward. "Dad, did you really shoot her when you first met?"

Moon pointed at himself. "She had a gun on me. But that was different. She stowed away on my ship." Turning his eyes, he focused on a smirking Celeste. "You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

Celeste said, "It is a sweet karma. I admit a degree of pleasure."

Moon propped himself up on his elbows, preparing a retort. But his head swayed as the color drained from his face. Celeste grasped his shoulders and guided him back down. "Easy, tough guy."

After two deep breaths, he turned to her. "I thought you were dead! And I grieved you for so long. Every time the little ones looked for you, my heart broke again. Do you know how difficult that was?"

"I'm sorry." Celeste bowed her head. "It had to be that way."

Moon yelled, balling his fists. "The hell, it did! We could have made it work!"

Gabriel leaned against a wall, amazed at his father's fury. I've never seen anyone get to him like that.

Celeste matched his tone. "I made the right choice! My presence would have been a danger to you and the children, and you know that!" She paused, then lowered her voice. "I'm sorry about Faith."

"You should have been there for her!" Moon sucked in a breath. Silence filled the moment, hanging in the air like smoke. Celeste dropped her head and a heavy breath escaped her lips. Moon put a hand on her shoulder. His voice became gentle. "I'm sorry. That was unfair. If there is any fault, it was mine." He glanced toward Hope, his eyes consoling. "It was I who should have been there."

Moon drew Celeste down, allowing her to nuzzle against his shoulder. She whispered, "I missed you. It was so hard not to run back."

"So how did you do it?" Moon asked. "Get off the Phoenix Star before it was destroyed?"

Celeste rose up, leaving a hand on Moon's shoulder. "I used that maintenance shuttle we stole from the Oracle Station. Just in time, too."

After a moment, Gabriel said, "So, what happens now?"

Celeste took hold of Moon's hand. "We need to plan. There is much more at stake than just us."

Sitting up, Moon took a deep breath. "A little later. Right now, I just want to lie down in my bed."

"I'll help you." Celeste snaked one hand around his back and pulled his arm around her neck. Together, they ambled out the med bay hatch and down the passageway. Hope and Gabriel followed silently behind.

Moon put on a half grin. "You know, you still look good, Celeste."

With a smile in return, she said, "You are not so bad yourself." She bit her lower lip, looking up into his eyes. "Umm, did you find anyone else?"

"No." Moon huffed. "You know how I am with finding women."

The rounded hatch to Moon's bedroom squealed when Celeste pulled it open. She turned her eyes up to the ceiling, saying, "Begin Coltrane playlist."

They entered without looking back. Hope jerked back as the door shut in her face. Dropping her jaw, she turned to Gabriel. "Why did she do that?"

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Really, Hope?"

Turning back to the door, Hope said, "Sai, what is happening in there?"

"Captain Moon had turned off the visual monitors, but based on audio data, they appear to be kissing against the forward wall. If I may speculate, I would say that accelerated foreplay will result--"

Gabriel interrupted, holding up his hands. "That's enough, Sai. We get it."

Hope drew her lips tight, twisting back and forth while staring at the hatch. "This is awkward. Let's go somewhere else."


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