Before the Master could say or do anything, another man showed up in the room. His unmistakable beige trench coat, his imperious height, his marked and grim face: Kenny the Ripper had arrived.

"Ah, Kenny! My man!" The Master greeted him vigorously.

"Wo, slow down, gramps. My man my ass. I'm just here on business. Try not to waste any of my precious time and hurry up already."


"Here it comes!" I shouted at Levi, throwing him an apple.

He caught it on the fly and looked back at me dourly.

"Kindly offered by the kitchen of the barracks. And by kindly offered I mean kindly stolen." I added with a chuckle.

"From the barracks? Tch , I'd rather drink the water from the drain. Or horse piss. Or shit-" Levi started to grumble, as he swirled the apple in his fingers with a disgusted air.

"Okay, okay. Stop. I got the gist. Geez..." I interrupted him with a snort. "Give it to me..." I said then, taking the apple back. "Are you sure you don't even want half of it? You haven't touched anything since yesterday..."

No answer.

"Levi, it's going to be a very loooong day. You need it." I insisted.

"Whatever..." Levi finally said, averting his eyes.

So I removed the stem, placed the base of my thumbs on top of the apple, wrapped it with both hands, and began to tighten it with strength and precision.

"What are you doing? You wanna break it with your bare hands?" the Captain commented harshly.

"Even the hardest things can be broken," I began to say and looked up at him, "If you just know where to apply the right pressure, Levi " and with a thunderous crack the apple split in between my hands. His eyes slightly widened in amazement, as did his lips that parted in a small "Not bad".

"All yours," I told him, handing him his half.

After leaving the barracks, we poured into a crowded street adjacent to the building. Despite the time, there were already a lot of people around. Voices, heavy rumbling footsteps on the cobblestones, shouts, the deafening toll of hooves on the pavement, the hustle and bustle of the carriages: the district seemed to have woken up long before us.

After a few minutes spent in silence, I took the first bite, asking Levi, "So? Where are we going?"

"In an hour or so, a carriage will take us to a nearby tunnel for the Underground. But first, we have to get some things," he informed me.

"Like what?" I mumbled with my mouth full.

"I know a place where we can get some bladed weapons, ammo for my gun-"

"Uh, can I get one too?" I asked him enthusiastically, clinging to his jacket.

"Forget it," he said, taking a bite of his apple and not even deigning to look at me.

"Oh cooome on!"

"Absolutely fucking not," Levi declared head-on, "Let's try to avoid any unnecessary fights or else. No firearms, no ogm. Just a regular patrol, we'll take a look around, and that's it. My gun is just for caution. One is more than enough."

"Roger, Captain. Anything else?" I asked him, taking another loud bite.

"Wigs, maybe a hat or a scarf, I don't know, something to make us less recognizable," then he glanced at me over his shoulder, quickly scanning my figure, "And some clothes for you. I don't know how safe it is to wander around in the Scouts' uniform..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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