I walked over to the little beaded curtains things and I heard growling coming from there.

I ran in grabbing my Chinese ring daggers out of my boot and I saw Brett struggling to fight him.

"Hey Lucas." I said averting his attention towards me and I waved towards him and he raced towards me but I threw one of my knives managing to hit one of his stingers.

He threw out his arm and I managed to grab it not touching his arms and I kicked him away.

But he managed to get up running straight towards me and he threw me against the wall.

Yeah that one hurt.

Brett ran to him managing to fight him but he scarred him with his stingers and Brett yelled in pain falling to the ground and Lucas was about to do a lot more damage until Liam ran out pushing him to the ground.

"Great timing." I said picking myself up and I helped Liam fight him. I kinda wanna touch his stingers. They look satisfying.

I need help.

I ran over to Brett looking at the massive wound it left in his stomach and I winced looking at it.

"Damn it why'd he have to go for the best looking ab." I whined placing pressure onto it.

"That's all you care about?" Brett asked and I nodded. Of course if is. Has he seen his abs. God they're hot.

Lucas was stronger than Liam and Brett. He was now ontop of Liam as Liam struggled to fight him and Scott and Kira ran in.

"Your a little late." Liam said and I was gonna say perfect timing. But they were kinda late. They need to learn how to be more punctual.

Mason ran in from somewhere, I wasn't even paying attention, he crouched down to Brett and I took my hands of looking at the blood on them.

It's always the blood on my hands.

Scott Liam and Kira did most of the fighting and they managed to beat Lucas as he went unconscious.

"What the hell was that thing?" Brett asked and I think I forgot to mention that part.

"Half scorpian." I told them and they both widened their eyes at me. "I think you left a little information out."

Brett told me and I rolled my eyes towards him. I turned my head to see Lucas on the ground and Kira went all first and flaming yelling something in Japanese and she was about to slice Lucas's head in half until Scott stopped her.

"Kira!" Scott yelled and the fiery part of her wasn't there and she just looked at us having no idea what happened.

I'm gonna start bringing Kira around with me. She could come in handy when it comes to scaring of guys at clubs.

"Everyone okay?" Scott asked and everyone nodded. I mean I wouldn't call Brett bleeding out okay but let's just ignore that.

"Liam help me pick him up." Scott said and they both reached down to pick him up until there was a arrow shot in his chest killing him completley.

I looked up to see what Malia described, the guys in the masks. "Why did you do that!"

Scott yelled at them and they just starred down at us. "His condition was terminal."
They said their voices all robotic.

"What does that mean?" Scott asked but they didn't give him an answer. "It means he was gonna die either way."

I muttured under my breath and only Brett and Mason heard what I said. "What does that mean!" Scott yelled at them again wanting an answer his dumbass could understand.

Trusting The Trouble➳ Scott McCall {3}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin