I felt Jay walk outside as I heard my hyung speaking with the officers.

We rode Jay's motorcycle as I laid my head on his back as I tightly wrap my arms around his waist then I felt us move.

My head felt heavy but I felt light at the same time.

I felt the thing stop and again, I am lifted in the air as I felt us walk inside the house.

"Yah Jungwon. . what happened?"

I heard Sunoo spoke and I felt everyone around us and even with my eyes closed, I can still feel them around me and I can hear their voices.

"I will bring him to his room. I know he will tell you when he's well"

I heard Jay say before not long after I felt my mattress on my back before I slowly open my eyes.


I called and almost in an instant, he's beside me when he's about to leave.

"Do you need anything?"

I slowly shook my head as I look into his eyes, they're indeed gorgeous. I suddenly recall the red eyes I saw a while ago.

He left as quick and return as quick with some first aid kit and start to tend some wounds on my cheek.

"Thank you"

I whispered as I slowly felt my limbs slowly calm down from shaking a while ago. Tears fell again from my eyes as the feeling of fear from that moment flashed before my eyes. I didnt know I would be terrified. Indeed, the world is a scary place, how I wish I knew it before.

"I got you"

I heard him respond as I smiled back at him. I felt the band aid softly was placed on my cheek before he slowly slid off my jacket and place it on the floor.

Another set of band aid was placed on the cuts on my arms. My eyes follow his every move and I can't help but feel my heart race.

What will happen after this? Will he avoid me again like nothing happen? Will he act like I don't exist again? Will he be back to being the biggest jerk ever? My thoughts wander to those question that I wasn't able to notice a cotton swab was being carefully dabbed on the side of my lips.

He was focused on making the process less painful giving me the time to stare at his face. Its my first time staring at his face this close without me kissing him.

He must've felt my stare at him as he stopped what he's doing and also stared back at me and the moment our eyes met, I felt my world stop and that we're the only ones in it.

"What am I really to you?"

I asked with my eyes still glued to his and I again saw hesitation from his eyes.

"Rest now. . you need - - "

"No, you're confusing me. But this time, I won't be confused. I don't Care if I will get hurt or things like you said. I know it comes with when you love. I won't be scared because. . I know I can trust you. . . Jay . . . I just . . I just don't know but . . I love you"

Tears fell from my eyes again as I held his hand. I look desperate and I know it's not a good image but I don't care, since when did I care?

"I'm sorry. . . I didn't mean to hurt you . . but now, I can't seem to not love you. Ignoring my feelings made me tired and I won't do it anymore. . I just had to speak with someone and now. . . I won't hold back Jungwon. I'm tired of pretending to not love you . . if you will give me still a chance, I want us to start again"

My heart is on its peak of joy as I held his hand tighter with a smile on my face ignoring the painful bruise beside my lips.

I pulled him for a hug as I heard him chuckle before I felt him hug me back.

"You mean, . . you're not lying when you said you're in love with me before?"

He shook his head before I felt his palm on my cheek.

"I didn't . . I lied to you about things but not that I love you. . . I'm sorry, I'm just scared Jungwon"

"So . . we. . .-"

"We could if you allow it to be Jungwon. But also, allow me to make it up to you for those times I hurt you"

"Ok Jay hyung . ."

He smiled before I was pulled into a warm embrace again as I let my tears fall on his shirt.

Finally, after days of trying, I am now in the arms of the man I have ever loved for the first time. He has a huge effect on me that even I can't control.

He pulled away from my embrace before leaning closer to me. My eyes immediately closed before I felt the familiar lips placed on mine. This time, I can feel our connection unlike the other two kisses before. I can feel how he want me to feel, I felt his care and love for me making me smile before tilting my head for a deeper more passionate kiss to which he immediately took over.

After a few seconds, we part as a huge smile was on my lips.

"Those goons will pay for hurting you. . "

He said as his finger traced the bruise on my arm.

"My hyung will take care of them don't worry,. .  I know Kookie hyung will handle them"

He nodded before making me lay on my bed as he covered me with my blanket.

"You rest now ok? Tomorrow, you will attend to countless questions from everyone"

I let out a laugh as I pulled him towards me making him fall face first on my bed.

"Stay with me?"

I said before he sighed and laid next to me as I immediately cuddle close to him with his arm wrapped around my shoulder and my arm around his torso and my head on his chest as I began to listen to his heartbeat.

"By the way. .  how did you find me?"

"It was a coincidence. . I went to the mall near where you went and I happen to pass from where you were taken. . . I followed you"

"Hmm. . how did you take down those men with guns? Theure scary tho"

"That. . haha they were shocked and I took that as an advantage. . you didn't ask, I am good at martial arts"

I laughed a little before scooting closer feeling my eyes close.

Finally . . .


Hey guys . .  I'm so sorry again for this late update . . .

BTW, about the fantasy thing , Vampires will obviously belong to Jakehoon, Nine-tailed fox belong to SunKi of course, and Mermaids will be JayWon. And the Greek Gods, I am still reading Greek mythology so it might take a long time

Haha tell me what you think.

Also, thank you for still staying with me even if the updates are super slow right now.

Have a good day.

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐍𝐄 (𝐄𝐍- 𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐖𝐨𝐧) ✔Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu