Vampire x Reader

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A/N: I must warn you that this contains a self insert of you committing a felony. I do not condone committing felonies—or misdemeanors. Do not commit crimes please. Thank you.


"So the plan is simple, Mark. You disable the electricity on the second floor using the fuse box here," You pointed to a spot on the blueprint, "While I go in through the balcony and hit these rooms. If this goes according to plan, I should be out in about 10 minutes at most." You looked to your accomplice, "If I'm not out in 15 and you don't see a signal from me, just go."

Mark looked at you and nodded. He didn't want to leave you, but a prison sentence didn't sound very inviting. "Hopefully that won't happen."

You and him got dressed to commit a robbery. Where exactly? The Blackrose Manor, one of the nicest, most secluded places in town. By the time police arrived, you two would likely be long gone.

You and Mark scoped it out from a nearby hill yesterday. It was huge, easily four stories. The walls were made of a dark stone with even darker stone accents. There were turrets and gargoyles along the roof. If you didn't know any better, you'd have thought it was a remodeled castle. The large garden and yard led to the forest behind it. It was breathtaking, but not as breathtaking as the score you hoped to get from that place. Tonight, you would find out what was hiding in those walls, and it would be yours.


You waved a branch from the cherry tree next to you. Mark got the signal and moved to the fuse box. Now you had to get there and use the power cut as cover.

You climbed up to the balcony and put on your crappy night vision goggles. You weren't going to go all out on something you probably wouldn't use ever again. You threw a small rock at the garage door. You waited a few moments, yet nothing happened so you threw another one.

The fuse box turned off and you went to pick the balcony door, but it was unlocked. My lucky day, you thought as you stepped into a large, lavish hallway. You noticed a row of paintings—family portraits—along the wall in front of you. You'd feel bad selling family portraits, so you moved onto looking for jewelry and other things. You opened the first door on your left to reveal a bedroom; a very, very nice bedroom. You quietly closed the door behind you and began to search for goodies. You quickly spotted a vanity in the corner and went to work picking the locked drawers.

"Aha," you softly whispered as the lock gave way. You opened the drawer and started looking through it. Inside were combs and hair accessories. They were made of ivory and precious metals with gems and feathers for accents. They were gorgeous. You almost wanted to just sit there and do your hair with them.

You picked up an ivory comb. It had little gems along the side closest to the teeth. It was mesmerizing, you took off your goggles to admire it better. The moonlight accented the small, blood red rubies and brilliant white of the ivory. It reminded you of a vampire.

Your fixation was interrupted by a dark, loud voice behind the door, "That scent is coming from in here." The door swung open and in walked a large man. He was tall and stocky, but you couldn't make out much more in the faint lighting.

"A thief, in my domain?" Even in the dark, you could tell he was staring you down. You could feel his presence and his gaze, it was commanding—predatory, even. In one swift motion he was holding you by the collar of your black turtleneck. He leaned into your neck and...sniffed? You were too shocked and weirded out to stop him. "So it is you, little human, who's blood smells so intoxicating," he whispered into your ear. He pulled the neck of your shirt down and started kissing it. This was about the point where your brain decided that it's had enough and tries to pull away. His grip was too strong, though. Figures.

He moved his body closer to yours as he started kissing your neck more passionately. You didn't like that your body found it pleasurable. You kneed him as hard as you could in the prized possessions. He dropped to the floor in pain, "You bitch," he wheezed. You ran past him, heading for the balcony door. You were at the glass door when you heard him get up and run out the bedroom. You tried the left handle to the balcony. Locked. He was now close to you, you didn't have much time left. You tried the right handle and it opened, but you were grabbed before you could take one step out the door.

He pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. He licked your neck where he had previously kissed you. Then you felt a sharp pain, like 30 huge needles jammed into you at once. You tried to scream but he placed one of his hands on your mouth. You felt your blood pulsing towards the bite. He sucked the strength out of your body. Your knees buckled and your vision faded.


You woke up on a soft bed. You opened your eyes to see that you were in the bedroom you had met the man in last night. You tried to get up but something around your waist was stopping you. It was a pale arm. You looked to see who owned it. Your eyes widened, it was him. The thing that had bitten you. You tried to free yourself from his grip.

"Five more minutes, my love," he whispered as he held you close.

"No," You didn't like this, "I want you to let me go now."

"I'm sorry, little thief. I can't let you go." He turned you so you were facing him. "You're my mate, the one I am supposed to be with forever." He cut the tip of his finger with his fang and sucked on the blood. He then kissed you, pushing it into your mouth. It was disgusting.

You pushed his face away from you, "What absolute fuck."

"The blood of a vampire is powerful. It heals," he gestured to your bite wound. He got on top of you, "And it will turn you if given the chance."

He sunk his fangs into you once more and drank your blood dry. Once you reawoke as a vampire, you would be unable to resist your mate.

You had stolen his heart, and he had stolen you in return. You and him would be together for eternity.

Yandere Creatures/Monsters/Myths x Reader - OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt