A Colony

399 27 14

Tears streamed down my face as I clung to Glaciea's back. There little one, it'll be alright, the dragon cooed, empathy coming through the link. I didn't answer, to absorbed in my own sorrow. I had just left everything I've ever known behind, and almost voluntarily. I was tempted to tell Glaciea to turn around and go back. I would live out the rest of my life in my village, with Glaciea and the rest of my family. But, like most fantasies, this isn't practical, nor possible.

I sniffed, attempting to regain my composure before we arrived at Cecilia's cave. Wiping my nose, I leaned up slightly, looking just between Glaciea's horns. The wind stung my eyes, making them tear even more.

"D-d-do you think I'll," sniffle," s-see them again?" I queried, wrapping my wings around me. There was a sudden chill in the air, and I shivered.

Maybe. No one can predict the future, little one. But, if we can, we will. She promised, and I knew she felt my gratitude through the link. Sadness still weighed in my heart though, and I rested my head against her back. Everything was, and would be, different now.

I began reliving scenes from the battle in my head, hoping that would distract me enough till we reached the caves. I knew that's where I had to go next.

After a few minutes of us both quietly thinking, lost in our own minds, we arrived at our destination. I sighed and dismount, landing on the hard rock.

Taking a deep breath, I rested my forehead against Glaciea's cool scales. My hands were raised, resting lightly on her back. I stood like that for a moment, leaning against my dragon for the strength I so desperately needed.

I was so tired, my wings drooping. I knew that if I tried to fly now, I would never get off the ground. My hand went to the hilt of my sword, drawing a bit of extra strength.

Then, smoothing my wild hair back into place and out of my face, I turned and began to walk into Cecilia's cave. Glaciea shifted to a owl, flying next to my head.

My footsteps were silent on the granite floor. I remember walking through this passage the first time, back when things were normal. Well, kinda normal. I was so nervous, but also excited.

Now I had to leave. Because of this stupid prophecy. For the first time, I felt a surge of anger rise within me, and I flapped my wings, lifting me up. It was after I someone had given me an extra shot of adrenaline, the anger gave me new energy. I reared back and shot forward, my feet kicking rocks as I flew. I twisted and turned, and I could feel Glaciea's alarm at my actions. She let out a little shrill sounding call, but I didn't care. I flew recklessly through the tunnel, bumping into the cave walls and floor. White feathers were scattered everywhere as I let out my anger through flight, which usually calmed me.

I exploded through the entrance finally, climbing high, the tips of my broad wings scraping the ceiling. Rowan screeched in surprise. I flew around the cave several time. I twisted and turned in very sloppy and uncoordinated flight, before veering to the ground and abruptly landing. As soon as my feet touched the rock, I collapsed. I was on my hands and knees, sweat covering my skin, my breathing heavily.

From under my curtain of hair, I saw Cecilia, Rowan, and Glaciea, who was back in dragon form, watching me.

After taking a breather for a few moments, I got to my knees, kneeling. Looking around, ignoring the three, I noticed I had knocked over lots of things in the cave. I felt a twinge of regret at the havoc I wrecked. My wings were drooping, and they began to burn. Turning my head, I saw small rivets of blood dripping of them, staining the white pureness.

I was shocked to see how ragged they looked, scraped and with patches of feathers lost. I closed my eyes tight, my anger gone, sadness replacing it.

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