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Glaciea let out a loud roar, causing a few warriors to look up, before resuming to fight. I dived, then pulled up, opening my very large wings. A few Flyers gaped at me, but I ignored them, soaring to Brian. I quickly killed the distracted Bat, with little feeling of remorse. These creatures were unintentionally bred to be killers, with no soul.

"Wha-" Brian started, but immediately shut his mouth when he caught sight of me. Or more specifically, my wings. I gave him a smile smile, unnerved that I couldn't read his features.

All of a sudden, his eyes turned hard. "Duck!" He commanded, at the exact same time Glaciea warned me of a Bat flying up right behind me. I turned and lashed out with my right leg. I caught the bat square on the jaw, and he plummeted with a screech. If Bats experience a certain amount of pain, their wings will give out for a few seconds. It's a common war strategy for wiping out whole battalions quickly, letting them fall to their deaths instead of killing them.

I craned my head back, glancing at Brian. "It was nice to see you," I told his bewildered face before flying away. I flew up and came alongside Glaciea, who had a whole circle of Bats around her. I roundhouse-kicked one in the left wing, instantly breaking it. He screeched as he fell, bringing attention to me.

Crap, I thought. Glaciea let loose a jet of ice, freezing any Bat it came in contact with. With their wings frozen, they too fell out of the sky.

Thanks, I told her. Before she could scold me and order me to stay near her, I was back in the thick of the fight.

I fought with any Bat I came across, and made sure they were all dead. This went on for about 15 minutes before Glaciea cut into my thoughts. If we aren't dead by the time this is over, I'm killing you.

I actually looked up from fighting with yet another enemy and laughed.

After dispatching the creature, I was about to fly to the aid of another Flyer, who was fighting for her life. Then, a loud horn sounded, and I whipped around, hovering in mid-air. A large Bat screamed from across the battlefield, and every single one of our enemies began to retreat.

I looked around, watching as the flew away north, not caring if they bumped others on the way. The Flyers took advantage of the distraction and began to kill any Bat that came too close to them.

I turned to Glaciea, who looked like the utterly ferocious dragon she was. Her scales was caked in dried and fresh blood, as were her claws. Her lips were curled, showing her blood stained teeth as she ripped apart any Bat that came to near.

I flew toward her, feeling as though I was in PE, flying through an agility course. I dodged Bats and free-falling weapons from falling warriors. The entire scene disturbed me.

I flew up beside Glaciea, patting her smooth scales. "It's over," I said, swaying slightly. The fight was short, but intense. My wings flapped unevenly, tiredness weighing at them.

I yawned, and Glaciea told me to climb on her back to rest my wings. I nodded without complaint and slid on. I leaned forward and rested my face against her warm scales, taking a deep breath. Attempting to get away from this place, these problems, if only for a moment.

Then, the screams of the injured and the clank of weapons forced me to return to the material world. I straightened up. "Let's go to the ground and see if we can help." Glaciea wordlessly obliged, descending slowly.

Flyers gave me some surpried looks as a I passed. Others glared with open hostility, raising their weapons in defense. I raised my hand in a peaceful gesture, and they cautiously lowered their weapons. Yet the looks on their faces, though softened somewhat, stayed.

White Wings Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant