Trouble In Paradise

Start from the beginning

I nodded.

"I'm not making you hang out with him. I just think you should"

"If you're trying to set us two up together it won't work"

My heart leapt and I inhaled a little too sharply, I glanced at her and saw she was fighting a smile and trying to look serious.

"I don't like him like that" She said after a moment.

"I'm not trying to set you two had  crossed my mind..." I stopped and she shook her head at me.

"I'll find someone tomorrow. Mickey will too" She stated.

I nodded and dropped it, asking her instead about her parents and brother. Her brother was at our school but he didn't like to spend time with us and normally made his own way home by that of doing the opposite of his sister. Pushing the button we got up and stood at the front of the bus waiting to get off. Sam started to talk about her outfit for tomorrow, we had decided to go to town and go to a rock and roll pub called Rufus T Fireflys. We had been before and it was really quite good, drink, food, music and people wise. Then again pubs were better than dance clubs, though we had also decided that if, when we were drinking in Rufu's T's, that if we got a free pass into a club we would go to it. We would go anyway but going to Rufus T's increased the chances of us keeping our entry money and using it instead to buy a few more drinks. We got to the point where she went one way and I went the other and we said our goodbyes. I hurried home and quickly had a shower, my mum knew I was going out tonight, but she thought I was going to dinner with Alex and his parents, to which she was annoyed about and used to argue her point, that, she had yet to meet my boyfriend, never mind him coming for dinner.

Once I was out of my shower I decided what to wear. I was going to wear a dress and heels and put on some make-up to make me look older. Though what dress I couldn't decide. I didn't have many dresses and the ones I had made me wince a little; they just weren't really my style.

I ended up picking up a light blue summer dress, making sure to wear two layers of opaque tights in the bitter cold outside! It had a little brown belt with it but I changed it with a white one and looked for my three inch painted white heels; I couldn't find them. I looked at my curling tongs and decided to think about a revised outfit as I curled the bottom of my hair. I fixed my make-up too, only adding a bit of eyeliner, mascara and a light blue eyeshadow that you could barely see. An idea hit me and I nearly smudged the pale pink lip-gloss I was applying to my lips when I remembered a pair of brown dolly shoes that I let my mum borrow. I fixed my lip-gloss and ran into my mum and dads bedroom, flicking on the light and rushing to the cupboard where my mum kept her shoes. I tore through the box, my heart giving out that she had tossed them out; but luck was with me!

I gave myself a look in the mirror above the fire place in the living room and smiled, I had a beige shawl that glittered with gold thread around my shoulders, I wasn't a big fan of what I was wearing, but at the same time I felt rather girly and suddenly shy about what I was wearing.

"Are you sure this is ok?" I asked as my mum came into the living room carrying my small brown belt.

"If you swap that white belt for this one; yes" My mum smiled and tossed it at me.

I rolled my eyes but smiled fixing my belt.

"So, where are you meeting him?" My mum questioned.

"Uh, well, he's meeting me at the bus stop" I smiled timidly.

"Really? It's not like we'll kill the poor boy! You should invite him round here Melissa" My mum tutted.

"I will, I will" I groaned.

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