Should You Get a Beta Reader?

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You may be going through this entire program and thinking, while it seems useful, you aren't sure whether you want to get a Beta Reader for yourself.

Let's clarify something that we feel many people may be confused about. Beta Reading is not editing.

Again, Beta Reading is not editing.

While the Beta Reader may assist you in your grammatical errors, the primary purpose is to provide a different viewpoint for you. To allow you to see and get feedback on your story without a personal lens on it.

Editing is a grueling process you go through after writing the first draft of your story, in which you look at every aspect of your story with a magnifying glass, fix any plot holes, improve scenes and your story until it is perfect.

Beta Reading reduces any slight discrepancies in your story, any issues, or problems from a reader's viewpoint (audience). Because, sometimes we may think our stories are fine, perfect. Our grammar skills are good enough; we're happy with how everything is coming out - however, that leaves us some blind spots we won't notice simply because we were the ones to write the story.

That's where the Beta Reader comes in to give your reader and audience the viewpoint before you place it before the audience.

Perhaps you aren't serious about writing, meaning you have no plans to go professional; it's just a hobby - even, in this case, Beta Reading will benefit you. But, at the end of the day, we're putting that story out for an audience to enjoy, so we might as well make it our best.

There also may be a misconception that this program is for new authors or first-time stories. However, Beta Reading is for all writers, sure it may be more beneficial for those of us who have just started out writing. However, that won't negate that it is also helpful for everyone who writes a story.

Whether you aspire to be a published author or write as a hobby, whether you are a new writer or an old-time writer, getting a Beta Reader can only benefit you.  

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