The Beta Program

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The Islamic Fiction platform would like to present to you all a new initiative. Let us introduce you to The Beta Program. Alongside collecting Islamic fiction, we also want to provide a platform where writers can improve their craft and polish it until it shines.

What is The Beta Program?

This platform is proposing to host The Beta Program, where people can apply to be a Beta reader. Writers can come to this platform and ask a Beta reader to Beta their story.

What is Beta Reading?

Beta reading is not editing.

Simply put, Beta Reading is when a person reads through your story before it's posted/published. The Beta reader will check the grammar, spelling, and typos of the story. But they will also give you feedback on the flow or narrative of the story and spot out any inconsistencies.

Disclaimer: This isn't full-on professional editing by any means, rather it's allowing your work and story to be checked for minor mistakes etc before posting it.

Benefits of Having your Stories Beta-ed

1. Reduction of spelling errors and typos. We can all agree that sometimes we will post a story and return sometime later to notice some embarrassing typos. Or even some little words we missed out. This is because when we are re-reading our writing before posting, we are already incredibly familiar with it. It's hard to notice any mistakes because our mind automatically fills them in.

However, if another person reads over it, they're more likely spot mistakes that we weren't able to.

2. Someone to check and correct your grammar. Another thing I'm sure we can agree on is that one killer in writing is bad grammar. Here, we aren't asking for professional writing, but the story should have passable grammar, otherwise it can turn readers away (and we don't want that!).

3. Feedback on your ideas and concepts. The Beta readers can give constructive criticism and thoughts on your story ideas, plots, character developments. narrative voice, etc. If there are any inconsistencies or stiffness in some areas, getting personal feedback will allow you to tackle it.

4. Smoother flow of writing. When we put our story into words, we already know the background details. Therefore, when re-reading it, no plot holes or other inconsistencies may seem glaring. However, when another person reads it, plot holes and any stiff transitions may be spotted as well as possible irregularities in dialogue and character development.

5. If English is your second language, the Beta reader can help you in making the story and dialogue more improved than the previous version. Sometimes it can be hard to capture the nuance and essence of a language if you're not used to it or to the sentence structure, slang, colloquial language, etc.

6. Finally, this is great way to ensure your writing is the best it can be before you post it for everyone to enjoy!

Benefits of Beta Reading

1. You get to help writers narrate their stories the way they want to and help them in honing their crafts. It's extremely tragic to see a good idea and plot be discarded due to the its' few faults. This way, you have the opportunity to assist and help your fellow Muslims (that you otherwise may not be able to). But this is a two-way give and take and getting good stories to read is always a bonus!

2. You get a glimpse of the story that the author hasn't even posted yet! #VIPs

3. You also get to read many types of stories while simultaneously improving your own skills.

4. Bragging rights. If we have any Sarah J Maas or Hafsah Faizals here, well, you Beta-ed their beginning stories!

5. The Muslim community will have even better stories to read. The stories will flow smoother with your assistance and be more enjoyable to readers.

6. Reward from Allah SWT for doing noble work and assisting fellow Muslims, Insha Allah. :)

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