Friday Night Skateboard Session

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Your P.O.V.

My best friend dragged me out to the local skate park tonight to have some fun. I wasn't so sure about it at first, but of course I have been convinced by this best friend.

"(Y/n), you're a good skater, so meet some new people and maybe, even get lucky?" My friend says with a smirk and nudges my elbow.

"Oh ha ha, that's not happening." I shook my head.

Really, I've been pretty busy with school work lately that I haven't even been able to practice my Nollie flip. Which I was really bummed about because I had just gotten the Ollie down. Yeah...I guess I'm a newbie compared to these skaters. I doubt I could impress anyone. Anyway, I'm happy on my own-

"Hey, do you see that guy?" My friend interrupted my thoughts.

"What guy?" I asked looking around seeing many people

"The one skating on the fun box!"

I looked towards the fun box. This person must be a professional! He's doing tricks I haven't seen before... Until he did one I recognized on sight.

The full Cab late shove.

I dropped my board and my jaw hung down.

How? What? He must worked on that for weeks! ....Maybe he could teach me?

I was snapped out of my thoughts once again when my friend closed my mouth and pushed me forward in the direction of the fun box and..him.

"Well, go on!"

I laugh nervously, "hahah I'm not going alone..."

"Yeah, you are, cuuuus I'm gonna get me a drink, bye!" I was pushed yet again and was left alone... Hmm... I sighed, what'd I got to loose? So I slowly made my way there riding my own skateboard. It'll take a bit to get to where he is so I just thought maybe I should do some tricks while I'm at. I tried a no-comply front side 180. I failed. Some of the skaters near snickered at the sight of me being on the floor. They can laugh all they want I didn't care. At least I was trying, everyone was a newbie at first. I just sat their waiting for my board to stop rolling away from me. After a few minutes it had stopped and I was about to stand when a huge gloved hand shot out to me. I looked up. It was skater who owned the fun box. He was wearing several layers of clothing. Especially around his face. I think he might have been wearing an orange bandana... I took his hand and he pulled me up like I was weightless. He nodded his head and passed me my my skateboard.

"Don't let them get to you" he smiles

"Oh, uh, thanks, and they won't." I said as I grabbed it.

He nodded his head again, "welcome dudette" he was about to roll away until I stopped him.

"Wait! I uh, saw you pull off the full Cab late shove on that fun box... That was really cool."

He turns back around, "What's your name?"

"(y/n)" I looked at the ground.

"That's a nice name, (y/n)" he says.

Hearing him say that brought butterflies in my stomach, "th-thanks."

"Mine's Michelangelo, but you can call me Mikey for short."

"Cool, so could I maybe ask you... If you could teach me some tricks?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah totally- sorry..."

"Oh ok then..." I said, disappointment clearly in my voice.

"Um, you need your back foot behind the bolts when your doing the no comply. I have to go now, see ya dudette" he leaves but not with out doing the Boneless trick.

Of course. I sighed, well, tonight's going to be a long a night. Hmm, I guess I have time now to practice the Nollie and try out the advice he gave me. I hope I'll see him again though. Wait...was he watching me? How else would he know what advice to give me for the no comply?

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