Erick explained as he remembered the time when Esdeath froze over the entire continent with deep anger after the death of her comrades. Ruby stared at Erick while he was looking down in perturbation, like he was really disturbed at the thought. Ruby gently pulled Erick's face closer to hers.

Ruby: I don't want you to have those feelings ever again. I'm going to make you forget about your fears.

Erick: ......

Ruby brought herself closer and made lip to lip contact to kiss Erick, causing him to widen his eyes in surprise. It was a long, deep, tender kiss to let each other know they loved each other. After the kiss lasted for one minute, they both finally parted.

Ruby: Feel better?

Erick: Yeah. Thanks, Ruby.

Ruby: Good. Our relationship can go a little deeper if you want it to.

Erick: Yes. I want us to be more than friends.

Ruby: Me, too.

Ruby reached up and gave Erick another kiss, then she leaned against his chest and both of them stared out at the ocean.


You slowly walking into the living room while holding the back of your head. You just woke up and you still felt a little woozy. Zious was sitting on the couch playing a game with a deck of cards by himself.

Zious: Oh. You're up.

(YN): W-what happened to me?

Zious: You passed out after your mission with Erick the other day.

(YN): I know that, but I'm talking about my face. It feels like somebody punched me in the face.

Zious: Oh, that. Well, when you woke up you were screaming out fear.

(YN): Really?

Zious: Yeah. You were trying to fight us, so I had to use my absolute strength and punch you to calm you down.

(A/N: Zious is clearly lying! 😂)

(YN): Oh. Well, thanks for snapping me out of it. Sorry if I really did that.

Zious: You're fine. You should stay off your feet for a while.

(YN): No. I already did that when I got my jaw broken. If I die in my next battle because of my injuries, then so be it. I will either kill Esdeath, or die trying.

Zious: .....

(YN): Where's Erick and Ruby?

Zious: They both went down to the beachside. I don't know what they're doing.

(YN): Well, tell them I'll be gone when they get back.

Zious: Where're you going?

(YN): .......

You didn't answer him. Instead, you held up your sword sheath to let him know you were up to something. Something very deadly

Zious: What the hell are you thinking?! (YN), you're not leaving. You're still injured. (YN)!

Zious jumped off the couch and ran over to try to stop you, but you glanced at him with the deadliest glare anyone could have. Zious paused once he saw you like the way you were. Something about your glare drained all of Zious's intention to stop you, so you left the hideout with Zious standing alone.

It was now nighttime. You were slowly walking in a dark forest with the same glare you gave Zious this morning. Earlier today, you slaughtered two Revolutionary groups, two Imperial groups, a few danger beasts, and a lot of bandits all around the capital to threaten both forces. As you walked along the dirt path, you felt another presence without anyone else being there. You placed your hand on your sword handle and readied yourself for a surprising attack.

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