#05 | hiori yo

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[ h. y - sleeping ]

* kitten this is for you <3 its messy asf tho LOL K0N3K0-CH4N  *


Waking up in the middle of the night to an empty, cold bed was not ideal for [y/n]. She had suffered a short yet horrifying nightmare that left her in a cold sweat, shaken up from the vivid images that flashed through her mind. If her boyfriend had been in bed with her like he was supposed to be, things would've been much easier to handle.

"Can ya just quit talking and do what your s'posed ta'?" Hiori's polite voice could be heard down the hall, echoing slightly from his volume as he played video games late into the night. It wasn't new for him to sneak off in the middle of the night to hop on the game for a few hours to play with friends, but tonight, she wasn't in the best mood to just leave him alone.

Standing up from their bed, she tossed aside the sheets with shaky hands and crept over to the door, peeking out into the hallway hesitantly. When she saw the bright light coming from his gaming room, she scuttled down the hall quietly and stood by the door, watching him play for a few moments. He was unaware of her presence since his headphones left his hearing of the outside world a bit muffled. Though, she didn't mind.

Inching over to him, she greeted him with a tentative touch to his shoulder, one that made him jump for a moment as his head snapped in her direction. His round eyes were wide, searching her rather pale expression for an answer as to why she was up so late. Instead, a smile spread across his lips as he placed his controller on the desk before him. "Hey, [f/n]. What's wrong?"

She shook her head, knowing his friend's could clearly hear his conversation with her as they played their game. She whispered, "Bad dream."

An easy smile fell into his lips as he lifted his arms, holding them out to the girl so that she could embrace him and get the comfort she needed. He was more than glad when the girl climbed onto him with her legs on either side of him and her head rested against his shoulder while her arms were wrapped around his torso. His arms wrapped around her body, gently patting her back as he placed a soft kiss on her head. "It's alright. 'm right here."

"Watch my back." Hiori called into his mic, not really caring if anyone did it or not as he pushed his chair away from his desk a little. Placing his hand on the middle of her back, he leaned to the side and snatched the small blanket nearby off the shelf next to his desk. In a slow, careful manner, he covered her body with the blanket, smoothing it out before grabbing the controller and resuming his game.

The warmth of his body was intoxicating, melting her mind until she was nearing a sleepy state once again. Her grip on his body tightened as she snuggled closer to him. His mere presence was comforting. Being near him made the bad dreams disappear, almost as if they had never been here to begin with.

When the game had come to an end and he returned to the lobby to start another game, he peered down at [y/n] whose soft breaths tickled his collarbones. Her warm cheek squished against his chest made her look soft like a marshmallow. His mind shouted for him to brush a strand of her hair away from her face to get a better look at her long lashes that looked so beautiful right now.

The soft smile that graced his lips was hard to chase away. He felt almost stupid for grinning so much but he truly thought he was blessed to have such a beautiful girlfriend like her.

"Yer so pretty." Leaning down, Hiori placed a chaste kiss on her forehead before pulling away and resting his cheek on her head. If this was how he'd spend the rest of his life, he would gladly accept it any day.

"What was that?" Nagi's voice filled his ears through the mic, prompting the boy to pull away and focus on the game.

Hiori chuckled softly, his chest vibrating against her body. "My girlfriend fell asleep."

"Oh. Must be nice."

RENT-FREE . blue lockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora