How it begins . Part 1

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In the summer of March 26th, due to the coronavirus, I took classes online. I remembered so clearly that day, how I felt ill and unpleasant during Art class. I asked my teacher for permission to let me rest for about 10 minutes since I have completed my work for the day . While I was having a rest I didn't think much, I thought I was having a mild fever due to lack of sleep or I might have eaten the wrong food. After having sometime off , it didn't fell right so I told my mother about it and she gave me some medication to make me go through hot the day .

The next day , its getting stranger . My arm and legs was filled with bruises for no reason and I didn't really care much about it. Weeks of having mild fever coming back and going away .Suddenly one day my bone joint were so pain that it felt like someone is scraping your bone off from your body that it made me cry and bite hard on my teeth for the whole night .
The next day my parents decided to bring me out to see what bacteria or viruses have gotten into me . We went for a clinical test at first but the doctor face changed to  a very strange state and worry stage when he saw my reports . He told us to go to a big hospital to do a further more accurate checkup , so we did .
At first I didn't think much , I thought it's some infection in the bone or anything else that makes me ill . I took the test and the result were more severe than before . My white blood cell went up from 300 to 500.

The clinical doctor quickly contacted the haematology department to send a doctor down to check on me . I was really confused that time but my parents were so worried so I am getting a little nervous too.
The doctor came to me and said "I'm gonna take ur blood and do more further test".  After sometime , my family and doctor came in to the room and I saw all my parents with watery eye . I'm there like "is this what I think it is?" The doctor then asked me "what do you think it is?" I said "Cancer" and she nod her head and sadly says that I have been diagnosed with leukaemia .

My parents and I was so worried,shocked and sad that their mind went fully blank . The moment the doctor told me about the news , it felt like my world have crumbled down from being the most happy living thing in the planet . I cried and shouted why has it have to be me , and my doctor hugged me and say you got to fight this challenge that god have sent to you . I nod my head sadly and she quickly ask my parents , where do you want to start the treatment , time is the saviour right now . So we quickly got transported to a government hospital and received our treatment there .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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