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I walk through the hotel halls.

Room 53

I walk into my room, its obviously a quite old hotel. The walls are made out of a dark deep wood and the lighting is dim.

I fall down on the bed and grab my phone. I have to text Emily she is probably worried.

I open my phone and see tons of missed calls from my friends. I don't want to tell them the whole story right now I am way to tired.
So I just text them

"Heyy sorry I didn't respond, some crazy stuff happened. I'm fine now tho I'm at a hotel, ill tell you more tomorrow"

I put my phone back and stare at the ceiling

My heart is still beating fast. I know I should call the police but ill do it tomorrow right now I just need to sleep.

I close my eyes and drift away into a deep sleep.


I woke up and immediately took a shower. The cold water hitting my skin makes me feel a little bit better. My body felt so hot and sweaty after what happened last night I just had to cool off.

After im done I grab my phone and call the detective thats working on the case and tell her what happened.

She tells me that they are going to do a search of the area to see if they see anyone who looks like him.

But I know its pointless. Besides a ring I have no idea what he looks like. I've never seen his face. He could be anyone. He could even be one of my friends or the pizza delivery guy. I can't trust anyone right now

I push those pessimistic thoughts down and go to the diner in the hotel to get some breakfast

The diner is really busy. Every table is taken so I take a seat at the bar. Great start to a shitty day of overthinking

I drink coffee. Well at least I try too for a 4 star hotel their coffee sucks. And eat some eggs and then I take the elevator back up to my room.

The halls are surprisingly quiet. Its kinda creepy. An old empty hotel.

I would think some people would be walking back to their rooms but I guess everyone is still eating.

I see a quite attractive man lean against one of the doors. And slow down a little. I have to be careful. I try to look at his hands to see if he has the ring but his hand is in his pocket and the other one on his phone.

My room is right across from him. But he looks pretty occupied with his phone so I awkwardly smile at him while I look for my room key.

I open my room and walk inside ready to get my stuff together and go back to Emily I need to tell someone about all the crazy stuff that happened. But when I try to close my door a hand pushes the door back open

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